Wednesday, January 26, 2005

7 boxes

Yes, that is how many boxes of Girl Scout cookies I bought! 6 for me and 1 for Dwayne- ha ha!
I have been having Baaad cravings for desert all the time. Brownies, cookies, cake, ice cream... and unfortunately I've been giving in to all of them. I have justified it in my head that it's alright as long as I eat good meals- lots of fruits and veggies. Then it's ok to eat 3 brownies or 7 cookies.
So when I can't seem to lose the extra weight after baby and I'm bitching about it, you can all remind me of WHY!!

On another note. I have read a terrific book that I want to share! The book is "Gift From the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh (Charles Lindbergh's wife). The book is timeless. It's also a nice short, easy read. A must-read for women who are/have been married and/or have kids. It really made me feel like I was not so alone in my thoughts of "how the heck do I do it all?!?"- with marriage, running a household, raising kids, AND having time for myself.

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