Friday, December 16, 2005

The blah blahs

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
(sung to the tune of Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la)

And that's about how I feel lately. Blah.
Nothing too exciting, funny, or creative, but nothing ugly or horrible either to write about. which could actually be a good thing.

We are all decorated and ready for Christmas. Sophie and I love to sing Christmas songs everyday. Her favorite is Jingle Bells. Holden dances along.
Sophie thinks you are to wear the Christmas stockings on your feet and keeps asking where her other one is.
She does "get" the Christmas thing this year and I have even pulled the Santa card a few times.
She wants to kick and fight me getting dressed...
"Santa's watching you Sophie. He knows if you're being naughty and he only likes to bring presents to good little girls and boys."
She thnks about it and decides to get dressed nicely after that.
Ha ha

Holden has learned his own method of moving about now. He uses his hands like in a crawling motion but from a sitting position, puts one foot down flat on the floor in front of him, lifts up his tushy and uses his foot and hands to push himself forward.
Quite cute.
He is very proud of himself and is so happy to get into all of Sophie's toys now.
She is not quite as thrilled.

My mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, nephew and niece, will all be here next week to celebrate Christmas together. I can't wait to see them all!

And that's the word from the Land of Blah Blahs.


Kami said...

I'm with you on the blahs. We'll all be better on 02 January. :)

Mama Duck said...

Girlfriend...I JUST posted about this.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I am feeling the blahs as well!

Anonymous said...

Come on over. We are just abooot to make snowmen! You can throw snowballs at me if that will help?

Anonymous said...

Happy days...Holden is crawling and I am missing it!!! Yeah jackie the santa card always worked on Dwayne too!!! Love and all hugs to Sophie my honey bun and Holden my snugglebug!!! Look forward to our next chat!!!

Nap Queen said...

Sorry you are feeling blah :( I love the bribery with Santa, though. It's so seasonal and totally effective!!!

Christie E. Little said...

It's official..most of us are in the blah blahs.

She is just so cute with all her little babies lined up! Sooooo cute.

Kat said...

Ooo - the Santa card! Lucky you! Ryan isn't there yet. He's in the throw himself on the floor and scream and say 'Nooooooo' to everything. Where did my sweet little nephew go who used to be HAPPY to see me???? :)

Jennifer said...

I know about the blahs. The start of my blog I was funny, had things to say. The a few weeks ago I got in a blog blah rut. I had nothing charming just blah. I feel good again and now am back on my game and ready to blog more! Thank goodness

Anonymous said...

I check and I check and then I check again. Still no pictures of the grandbabies on Christmas Day.
What we suppose to look at here in snow land???

Hope it was a good day for all.
The sr. Lums