Saturday, December 31, 2005

Haaaaaapppy holidays!

sex and the city
I know, you thought that was me for a second.
We get confused so often.
Ha. Ha.
No. That's just my new book I got for Christmas from my FAVORITE show!

Christmas was grand! It was a whirlwind of busyness and fun.
My parents, sister, BIL, nephew, and neice all came and stayed with us. The kids were so excited for Christmas and had a great time playing together.

reading books

Just get a load of the beer gut on little Miss Hailey.
Uncle Dwayne and Hailey

My dad.

My mama.

So yeah, I AM blogging on New Year's Eve. That's how cool we are.
Kids are sleeping...thank god.
poor baby Holden has an ear infection and has been miserable the last few days. Has also kept us up for the last 4 nights.
So we decided to have a quiet night at home.
Dwayne's watching hockey and I'm blogging. We've got beer.
How much better can it get than that??

But THE BEST present I just got today...
my new baby
I have been wanting a good DSLR for a loooong time. I have been trying to save money for one, but it's kind of hard when you don't have a paying job. So with half the money from Dwayne and the other half from the money I saved my birthday, selling old baby stuff, and Christmas I went and picked out this sweet little thang.

And here's my first picture...
my love
My sweet love.



SuburbanMom said...

Happy New years! congrats on the camera, very cool :)

Anonymous said...

We'll all be enjoying your new camera by looking at the super pictures on your site!


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Happy New Year! Oh you are so lucky! I want the Nikon D 50 so badly! I will be saving my money for that!

Glad you had such a great holiday! Holden is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

And I'm sure Dwayne was watching those Canadian kids taking care of business like I was. Cheers and Happy New Year to you all.

Anonymous said...

Just loved seeing the pictures and for a minute there i thought you had a third babe then realized it was Hailey in Dwayne's arms...I am so happy that you had a great Christmas visit with the Winklers!! Now that you have that new camera what can we expect to see??? Please pass a kiss and a hug to my Honey Bun Sophie and my Snuggle Bug Holden!!!Love you guys!!

Mama Duck said...

Ooooohhh! That is a BAMF camera!!!

Love the first picture!!

Nap Queen said...

Oooo, nice camera! SITC is one my all time favorite shows, too! I was so sad when it was over. And I also have the same couch you have!! (The one your hubby is sitting on in the last picture.)

Kami said...

Congrats on the new camera!!

SO, that's not you in the first photo? Who is it? I thought that was Lucky Lum. Hmmm.

Kat said...

So jealous of the new camera!!! Sorry I didn't call you guys over the weekend! If flickr ever starts cooperating you'll see why. :)