Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The TuTu NuNu LuLu Princess

You don't know what I'm talking about?
Neither do I.
This is some new nonsense rhyming language Sophie has come up with and entertains herself by speaking in tongues.

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

"What would you like to eat Sophie?"
"No, nunu."
"Is it a tutu or a nunu?
"Poo. Tutu Nunu. Coo."

Princess TuTu

And we go around in circles speaking this silly language.
Today I am "pooter", yesterday I was "nene."

We seem to go on a "word of the day" theme here.
Today we are back to "tutu."
That was her response to the doctor's hello today at my appointment.
I have taught her well I see.

pink sparkle toes

Oh, the girl is a silly one.

another beautiful day

But she has also been downright nasty. Hitting and kicking her brother because he dares touch HER stuff (and did I tell you that EVERYTHING is hers...the toys, the dog, the rug, the books, the table, the stroller,...)
I won't allow hitting and when she has to sit in time-out she hits and kicks at me, screaming and carrying on so loud that the neighbors 3 miles away can hear her!

I will takes the NuNu's and CooCoo's anyday over the terrible Two-Two's.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

lol...man the language of toddlers.

Goodness she looks so sweet in those pictures. There is no way that sweet little princess is nasty!

Kat said...

How cute! Ryan has some words that I can't translate as well. What a little angel and what pretty toesies!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on! Everyone knows what she is saying... sheesh. Yep, damn cute indeed. :)

Mama Duck said...

Hang in there, sister.

It can't last forever, can it?

At the most only 16 more years...

Melanie said...

She is way too sweet looking to ever be mean! Love the toes.

Kami said...

Well, I don't know, but her toes look way cute.

Nap Queen said...

I think it shows her creative, inventive side! And I love her toes. Sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Of course Oma thinks that whatever Sophie says is just AOK!! I cannot belive how much Sophie and Holden have grwon in such a short time. Sophis hair is taking on style girl and Holden has such a charming and winning smile. Maybe Sophies holding on tight to all that she thinks is hers is training for later life!!! Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Sophie, Oma loves your shoes . it lloks like you will be a shoe fanatic just like me...TuTu kiddo!!!