Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I reclaim my breasts in one month!

(Sorry for not having pictures to go along with this post)

In a month I will be collecting all my nursing bras and burning them. Oh wait, I can't burn them because of the burning ban right now....hmmmmm...maybe I can fit them through the shredder!

It's not that I have minded breastfeeding. It's just that I want my body back after three years of sacrificing my womb and breasts for my beautiful children.
And let's hit that subject for a moment shall we?
My breasts...
I have always had really small boobs.
Fine. They are what they are.
I've always been somewhat anti-boob job for myself. I didn't mind my small boobs because they were nice and perky.
But alas, after bearing two children and breasts changing from a size A, to B, to D!!, down to C, and finally back to B (and two times through this sequence), they are just not what they used to be.
Boob job? Not feeling so anti about it now.

Not only will my breasts be MINE again, so will my whole body.
Do you realize what this means?!??
It means I'm free to take medicine without having to call the doctor or consult my lactation book, it means I can drink alcohol freely without the bothersome side effect of getting my child drunk, it means I can eat chocolate all day if I want and not worry about providing the right nutrition for my child, it means I can buy push'em up pad'em up bras from Victorias Secret again!


Kate Giovinco Photography said...


We will drink to your boobs and body being yours again while in Austin!

Heres to Lucky and her shopping spree on push up bras, her consuming of choclate and taking all the medicine she could ever want!
Here Here!

The Egel Nest said...

I felt the same way after years of sacrificing my crotch to the cup wearing of my hockey liberating!

I am sorry I can't be more empathetic..but sadly, that is the closest I can relate to your issues..I feel for you..but I can never know how you is most certainly interesting though and will help me when my wife goes through these feelings :)

The Egel Nest

Anonymous said...

Send them our way! (Your bras not your boobs) :)

Beth said...

Have you consulted your child on taking you're boobs back yet? I hope he's slightly more cooperative then mine was ;-)

Anonymous said...

Let the countdown begin! I remember the day that I got my body back from Bradley--it was one of the happiest days of my life! You can be sure we will have a lot of fun celebrating your bodies return.

Jen said...

I too used to be sortof anti boob job.
Seriously, since I realize that for the rest of my life my body is MINE, I'm sortof pro boob job AND tummy tuck.
Sad, isn't it?
If I ever win the lottery, I'm so doing it!

Anonymous said...

Damn! That stupid burn ban. I would be joining you on that one. I figured maybe if I burn them that C will not want any more children and get me the boob job after all.

Kat said...

While I'm thrilled you'll be able to consume all the alcoholic and narcotic substances you desire soon, I'm still waiting to see some 'spice' added to your posts now that you've discovered the compose bar. :) hee-hee

Rhonda said...

Ooo, I too am considering a boob job, at least a lift...I am tired of this things getting stuck in my waist band. If you are serious, let's compare notes on Austin doctors.

Anonymous said...

Vive le breasteses!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Strikethrough thing is explained in my comments section! Just wanted to let you know!

Nap Queen said...

Yea breasts!!!

Misti said...

you make it sound so good. :) thanks for this post. I am having a time with the weaning thing right now. maybe some pretty bras will help *wink*

Memphis said...

Any post about breasts is going to get my attention.

I don't have anything deep and meaningful to add. I just wanted to say that.