Monday, January 23, 2006

I confess

I am a complete blogging idiot.
It took me a good two months to figure out how to put a link in a post.
And now the biggest "Duh!" moment has come...
It has been a year and I JUST NOW realized there's this "compose" tab where you can write your post, change font colors, use bold type, change picture sizes, make bullets, etc.
I was so excited to find this!
And then I realized what a complete idiot I have been that it has taken me this long.
A year people.

I used to think that all you other bloggers were living in some fancy computer world where you knew how to post pictures, links, and even change your font color all by yourselves...that there was this secret code that only really intelligent computer people knew.
Ha! Not anymore.
The secret is out folks.
I can now change font colors and picture sizes like the rest of you geniuses!


Memphis said...

I had a girl tell me about the spell checker while I was IMing her to tell her how to add HTML commands to her posts. Then she told me there was a tool to upload photos there, too, which I also didn't know about. Don't feel bad. You're not alone.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Oh my Lucky you are so cute!

It is an amazing thing when you figure things out on these computers.

Nap Queen said...

I had to get TKW to tell me how to get my profile pic uploaded. COULD not figure it out. You're really NOT alone :)

Anonymous said...


Our cover is blown.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen my boring blog dear?

Beth said...

Well since I've still haven't quite figured out how to add my links in on the sidebar, despite line by line instructions from at least 2 diffrent people you're not alone.

Anonymous said...

Hey I am still trying to figure out this Link crap. I though I was pretty computer and internet savoy til I started blogging. But your blog looks great.

Tammy said...

I am such a techno idiot. So, I feel ya, sister.

Kat said...

My dear, you crack me up. :)

The Egel Nest said...

I am glad you finally entered the techno blogosphere :)

The most funny thing about your that after saying how you finally learned all those new tricks...font to make links...picture was still a :)

I just adore the humor and irony there :)

Very cute post and I am glad things will be easier for you from now on :)

The Egel Nest

Kami said...

Ohhhhh, my.

mikster said...

Seriously...there is no secret code?....I'm well as stupid now.

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