Sunday, January 15, 2006

Would you like to dance?
Would you like to dance?

Shake it Baby

Shake, Shake, Shake...

She's got all the right moves
...Shake your Booty


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Sophie & her daddy!

That is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

go Sophie, go Sophie, go, go, go Sophie

Rhonda said...

OMG!! That is so freaking cute! (She is adorable.)

Kat said...

Awww, what a cutie!!!

Mama Duck said...

OMG! I'm coming to dance with you Sophie!!!

You Know Who

Anonymous said...

I have got to but a plane ticket asap as I need to watch my Honey bun and Snuggle bug grow. She is looking at her dad with love and trust in her eyes. What a girl she is. I miss you so much!!!

Lori said...


Kami said...

I don't know, but LOOK AT THAT TILE! I dig it!

Oh, cute kid. ;)

Kathryn said...

What is the name of the color you use on her hair????

I want to try THAT one next time!

Nap Queen said...

OMG, what a little dancer. She looks like she can really move! And she looks SOOOO happy which is the best part :)

Leesa said...

These are SO cute!!