Saturday, January 07, 2006

One Crabby Lady

That would be me.
My idea of a fun Saturday morning DOES NOT include an awakening at 6:30 am.
Nor does it include a day of shopping at Target or going out to eat with crabby, impatient children.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I did not enjoy shopping at Target. Not with my kids today.
Holden and Sophie started out in the cart and Holden lasted about 3 minutes when we first stopped to look at the kid's clothes. He wants out. He wants Daddy. He wants Mommy. He doesn't want Mommy or Daddy. Then Sophie wants out. Holden is trying to figure out a way to use all his body weight and fling himself out of my arms. Sophie is running around and apparently on her own adgenda.
I am trying to pick out pajamas kids!
On to the little girl panty aisle. Holden's back in the cart for the ride over. Sophie is back in the cart. Holden is crying. Sophie and I pick out some panties.
Back in the cart where Sophie and Holden each get to hold a package of panties.
Ahhhhhh. Quiet for 2 minutes.
All the panties are now out of the packeges and Holden is eating the plastic wrapping.
He's sitting in the cart and he's not crying.
On to the next order of business...
After 15 minutes of pass-the-baby-back-and-forth game, pulling things off the shelves to try and entertain him with, chasing Sophie around the store and returning all the maxi pads she has pulled off the shelves, while trying to get the rest of our shopping done, I was D.O.N.E. and ready to run out of there screaming!

Then we had the brilliant idea we'd go have lunch at Johnny Carino's.
We must have left our parent brains at home in bed and forgot the fact that the children were already hungry and about 40 minutes past their normal lunchtime, not to mention we were creeping up quickly on the beloved Naptime.
Hungry, crabby, tired, impatient kids and eating out DO NOT MIX.
Could even be considered more lethal than drinking and driving.

How do you think this story ends?

a) Mommy and Daddy quickly down as many alcoholic drinks as they can in a half an hour as to be able to tolerate the unruly children
b) Screaming, crying, and Food To Go.
c) Mommy and Daddy excuse themselves to the bathroom but secretly leave the children behind and make a mad dash out of there!


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

My guess is A and B!

Hope tomorrow is a better day!

Me said...

First you tried C.

Felt guilty and came back to do A.

Then finally... B.

Kami said...

AH, what fun.

Anonymous said...

D) All of the above!

Kat said...

Geeeeeeeeeeeez. I was about to lose it just reading that. Note to self: when have own children, always leave them at home when one goes out in public. :)

Michelle said...

B, but you indulged in A while waiting for the To Go order.