Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A big nasty two and a half year old tantrum
throwin it
She had to stop jumping on our bed.


Anonymous said...

You're mean. I'll let her jump on the guest bed when I'm there.

Just kidding, really, don't make me sleep in the garage.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...


Oh my goodness I love that picture she is so 2!

And TKW better not keep it up she will be staying with Percy!

Kami said...

You are so mean. I bet you pinched her, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm calling child services! LOL

Nap Queen said...

Yep, that's a two-year-old face for sure. Sigh. Do you ever just laugh when they do that?

Kat said...

Haven't you told her about the bad monkeys that jumped on the bed and broke their heads? :)

She is so cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, there is nothing like the two year old temper tantrum is there? So cute, so funny and yet sooo frustrating!

Tammy said...

Mean mommy!

I bet you don't let her put her fingers in electrical sockets either. Damn you're mean.

The Egel Nest said...

If you look up "terrible 2's" in the dictionary...that picture is there :)

How can a 2 year old be so disobedient, sad, and cute ALL at once!

I love your blog by the way...and you shall be blogrolled at the Egel Nest shortly :)

The Egel Nest

Peanutt said...

Oh that is just downright bad parenting there!!!
LOL. Isn't it funny what rough lives children have???