Friday, January 12, 2007

Been gone again
it’s the same old song.
No time to sit down
and no time to blog.
My funny Lummin antics
and tales of woe,
will remain in my memory
instead of shared with ye.

But now,
I shall recap bits of my long hectic week.
After a good-friend goodbye (she’s moving cross country)
and one last Lauren hug,
I bid her farewell and wept all day long.
Holden is sick with an ear infection and more,
Sophie tripped and caught a big-fat busted lip.
Many hours in waiting rooms we’ve spent.
Aroused many early mornings before sunlight this week,
by crying or screaming child accompanied by his thundering feet.
The Lum husband is gone,
And I’m now feeling like whiny country song.

So that’s how it goes.
When the kids are well
I’ll send them back to school.
I’ll have some time for myself,
to get back to whatever-it-is I normally do.
And we’ll all return to the normal level of insanity around here.


Anonymous said...

Waves and hugs from The Tundra!

Elizabeth said...

Can't wait for regular updates, girl. :)

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Miss ya! I enjoy hearing about it all!

Sorry your friend is moving that is always so hard!

Hope the Lummins are ALL feeling better!

Kat said...

Oh girl, did Lauren move already??? :( She better visit regularly!!!

Sorry Dwayne's gone and the Holden was sick!!!

You know, I'm always only an email or phone call away if you need to talk!!!!!! I miss you and love you girl!!!

Rhonda said...

((Hugs)) I hope things calm down soon.

Christie E. Little said...

Just remember to breathe sweetie. Sometimes that's the best thing we can do.

Anonymous said...

But now it's snowing, right? Are doing okay or is there rampant cabin fever?

Anonymous said...

Whew...glad to see you're still alive!!

Memphis said...

You're destined to be a star!