Thursday, March 01, 2007

Today I can finally cross off
from the list of things I've never done.

oh yes.


Anonymous said...

No shit? Really? Did you have to throw a brick at a window to get them out? Well at least you were not in the middle of a snow storm like we are now!

I assume all is a-okay now!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Are the kids ok? They weren't in there for long right? It's not hot over there at the moment, right?

Ok, I'm going.

Anonymous said...

and March comes in like a it can only get better and go out like a lamb!

Kiss those babies!!!!

Me said...

So... did you have a crowd gather? Like, 12 people surround your car and stand and watch?

And about 3 people offer all kinds of ideas to 'help'?

And then someone tells you they are calling DHS?

And a large Mexican woman kneels at the back of your bumper and starts praying loudly to Jesus in Spanish and only gets louder when you ask her to stop?

And the police have to come to get the door open?


Well then, I guess maybe you didn't do it right. ;)

(Not my own personal story, but it DID happen just like that to my friend Stacey in Southern California. LOL).

Marisa said...


That's all I can muster right now.

Kat said...

Oh that sucks. Thankfully the weather is pleasant right now.

So, how'd you get them out?

Cracking up at Meritt's friends misfortune..."Jeeeezzzuuuus!!! Save the babies, save them!" :)

oh and ha - my word veri is 'nozsy'

cuz yes, I am a nosy. :P

Tammy said...

Yeah. I've done that. At the mall. With the cell phone inside.

After pleading with the 3 year old to get herself out of the carseat (which failed miserably) I had to flag down a complete stranger and call the cops.

Good times.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

oh my that just sucks!

Which Lummin was it, or was it both?

You are not the first Mama to do that and I am sure you are not the last!

Merrit's friends story might be the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!

Elizabeth said...

Yeah, I'm sure I'll do that. But only if they have like a weapon in their hand that is directed right for an eye. And a bottle of rum.

Mone said...

Done that too, lucky for me I have a AAA membership, they came and opened the cardoor in no time for me. It still was a scary feeling.

Kami said...
