Friday, April 15, 2005

A little bragging

My daughter ceases to amaze us everyday! Sometimes it's amazingly brilliant things she says or does, other times it's something cute and funny, and sometimes it's naughty little things she's discovered how to do or say.

Here are some of the brilliant things she can do right now:
she can count to ten,
she knows most of her colors
she talks up a storm,
she reads lots of books,
and she goes pee pee on the potty!

A few funnies & naughties:
She likes to announce when someone has "farted" or "tooted."
Mostly it's Sophie, Holden, or Daddy tooting, NEVER Mommy (*snicker, snicker*).
The other night Mommy did let one slip and Sophie says "I hear thunder!" Nooooo, that was just Mommy tooting!

Sophie is digging through her little purse that is filled with toys and stuff. She looks at Daddy and says "Too much crap in here!" Hmmmm, I don't know where she got that from?

1 comment:

Mama Duck said...

Amazing what they pick up from us, isn't it?!

Ummmm, my daughter can still grunt and point! Actually she's starting to talk and repeat more and more which is either a blessing or a curse, not sure which?! :)