Sunday, November 13, 2005

As if you needed another reason to love Target

Look at these cute cute humidifiers we got for the kids' rooms!

Froggie for Sophie's room

Pin Pin
And Pin Pin for Holden.

I swear we have been passing around this cold/virus thingy for the last two-three weeks. Someone gets better, then the next person gets sick, and the next one, by the time they are feeling better the first person who got it is sick all over again.
Will it ever go away or will we just continue to pass it around and around like a merry-go-round?


Christie E. Little said...

As if! I love those! Soooo cute. I'm glad you got the humidifier. I bet they'll get it out of their system soon. I hope so for the mommy.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I saw those cute humidifiers at target. I think they are so adorable.

Hope you and the kiddos are feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Cool. Never saw those before up in these parts.... huh...

Tina M said...

Target's the bomb!!! I'm so lovin pin pin. Too cute!!!

Nap Queen said...

Those are too cute! Nothing like the ugly things we had as kids. Sorry you guys aren't feeling well.

Beth said...

I just saw thoese the other day, I want one for my kid's rooms lol.

Kat said...

I want one!!! :) It took three rounds for me to get rid of it. Nasty stuff. Seems like everyone down here has gotten it more than once.

Kami said...

FYI - my friend's son woke up and saw that frog and wigged out.

I think they're cute!!