Monday, May 22, 2006

I get giddy on the weekends.
I have a purpose.
I read the words and began to view every object as a potential subject.
I hunt and I shoot.
Trying to capture that just right photo to fill the role.

What am I talking about?
Mr. OddMix presents us photographers with a Weekend Words Challenge.
Two words. And it's our job to shoot pictures that represent those words.

Now that I have an official real photography assignment, I can believe that I'm an official real photographer. Even if it is just in my head...
Today is show and tell, so here are my samples of this week's challenge.



(Toni thought it was delicious treat.
I'm wondering where the hell you find another one of those wood knobby things?)



happy monday!


Elizabeth said...

Oh the missing stair rail deal - man, who knows where you can get that replaced? Great pictures - love the blue sky in the mirror.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

The hardware store! Look and see if you can find any information in your house about the stain color and try to match it best as possible!

Love the picture! Looks like fun...maybe I will have to try playing!

Kami said...


I forgot about this!

Great shots.

Unknown said...

lucky those are AWESOME shots. Great ways to capture the words.

Kat said...

Great shots! That silly dog! Perhaps Dwayne could chisel a new one out of the leftover Christmas tree wood??? :)

Sue said...

I love the missing shot. THe perspective is very interesting.

Tink said...

Great perspective! (I'm sorry Sue, I stole your word.) The "mirror" pic gave me a bit of vertigo. ;)

Odd Mix said...

Very nice!

That first shot is tricky to pull off. It is hard to make that many fertical lines all apear vertical. Well done.

Unknown said...

I'm sure Toni's returned it...somewhere.

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