Tuesday, May 30, 2006

One might ask why so often does miss Sophie have a band-aid on her face?
she is nearly three years old. she loves Dora. she thinks she's hurt and it makes her stop crying when she gets a boo boo.
wait til Holden catches on to this...

Speaking of Dora. The boy is infatuated with her.
He calls out for her, "D-D-Do-wah" all day long. I've even heard him on the monitor calling for her upon awakening.
He's yet to call Sophie by name, but can correctly name Dora, Boots, cousin Diego, and Backpack.
And we hardly ever watch Dora. But she's everywhere-
on the yogurt, clothes, books, dishes, toys, stickers, dvds...

Commercialism seeps it's way into the raw minds of our youth from the time they're born.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

That is so cute! Dont ya love commercialism!

Hope said...

The magic band aids! We have some in our house too, only they're ELMO.

Candy said...

Dora rocks!!! :-)

Marisa said...

She's so friggin' adorable (Sophie, not Dora).

Samantha could say Elmo before she said Mama...f'ed up commercialism.

Anonymous said...

I wish Dora could come to our house and play. She could potty train The Duckling.

Me said...

Maybe he THINKS that Sophies name is Dora too. :)

Unknown said...

hehe- I have to say she has the most beautiful hair!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I've never heard of Dora. Is this some kind of new Barney?

Your Sophie is darling!

Sheri & SuZan said...

We went through the Barney thing, Dora has GOT to be better!

Magic bandaids are the best.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love that face Dora aide and all!!!
I think Holden has found his first love you just have to record that somewhere and use that bit of inofrmation at some point in his life...may be his first girlfriend will be a Dora look alike!!!Love you all!!!

Kami said...


Nap Queen said...

OMG, that's hilarious! She is so beautiful, I can't get over those curls!

Kat said...

Look at that beautiful girl! :) Too cute about the bandaids!

Who in the heck is 'backpack'? Is that really a character's name? Can't imagine a backpack would make an interesting character... childrens TV is so weird. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Sophie! The lighting is fantastic!!
As for Holden, identifying all the Dora characters is a sign of his intelligence. He is a very smart boy! (He takes after his mommy and daddy.)
Bandaids. Aren't they wonderful? Heck, when I was a kid they didn't have pictures on them like they do now, and we STILL wanted to have a bandaid. Whoever invented them probably had no idea that kids would love them so much!

Tammy said...

We need to get our kiddos togegther. My daughter loves loves loves Dora. When it's on, she'll stop down until its over.

We have the band aids too. We have to put band aids on freckles. "E-cause they hert."

Elizabeth said...

The cheeks are killing me.

Jennifer said...

Dora, Dora, Dora....the story of my life. Colby Grace says it all the time....morning, noon, and night

Unknown said...

Bandaids cure everything. It's a fact I'm sure proven at NASA.

Sophie looks so precious in that shot.