Wednesday, October 18, 2006

(Chris, don't read this)

I'm sad today and yesterday.
My sister called me in tears Tuesday afternoon (morning for her in Hawaii).
I prepared myself mentally. For I knew why she was in tears.
Someone had died.

My sister is a Marine's wife. She has three kids and lives out in the middle of the ocean. She is alone for the next 7 months while her husband fights in Iraq.
And she'd just learned that her neighbor and friend lost her husband. Her husband was in the same company as my sister's. and that news hit waaaay too close to home!
Her friend will now birth their second child in December as a widow.
It makes me sad, sad, sad, and sick, and so very mad.

It kills me that she lost her husband, that so many have lost their husbands, and sons, and fathers... for senseless and pointless reasons.
I do believe that the present state of Iraq, their government, and our presence there is COMPLETE MADNESS.
I do not care if you agree with me. Nor will I rant on and on about madness over there. or here. or everywhere...

No. But I will tell you it scares me sensleless to imagine this happening to my sister and her family.
How can she live with the constant ball of worry that her door may be the next knocked upon?
Does she plant that ball in the back of her brain and bury it over with the everyday routines and goings. with prayers. with love for a world full of baby bottoms and messy house...



Steph said...

So sorry for this family & all who have lost thier families due to the BS our country has put us in. I am with ya. I hope your borther in law returns safe to his family.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

My sister is alone with 2 under 2 for the next 7 months as well while her husband is away on deployment! We have no idea where he is and it is very scary!

I hope all the soldiers come home safe.

Kami said...

OH no. Please pass along my sorries. :(

It is bullshit, and it is very scary. I'm sorry that your sister has to deal with that EVERY DAY.

Momo said...

We can only all pray that this crazy war will end.

And that your brother-in-law and all of our precious soldiers come home safely.

Your sister is a strong woman.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your sister and especially for her friend. I'm so sorry that this administration cares more about money and politics than the sons and daughters of this great country. So, so sorry.

Anonymous said...

F(*&ing hell.

That sucks.

You know my stand on this whole the Madhatter's Tea Party...

Kat said...

Oh how horrible! I am so sorry for your sister's friend and her family and for your sister as well. I cannot begin to imagine how hard that must be to deal with day in and day out. I hope he comes home safely and soon!


Memphis said...

I don't know how people get through times like this. I can't imagine.

Me said...

When I read the news headline that more troops have been killed my heart always skips a beat before I read the names.

My baby brother is over there and because of his line of 'work' he is shot at with rocket launchers almost daily.

He lost 2 guys from his unit last week. They've blown up 2 of his humvee's - thankfully he wasn't in them at the time.

I wish they would hurry and teach the Iraqi people how to govern and police themselves so our people could come home.

Elizabeth said...

I won't even go into how ridiculous it is that we are there. I just won't because I'm sure some asshat will attack me for it.

I am just sorry for your sister to have to deal with this shit. I really am. Not to take anything from the men and women actually there, but truly, in my book, the spouses and families left behind are who endure the true stress and heartache and worry. My thoughts and prayers go to them all.

Anonymous said...

You should have said "Chris and MOM don't read this." Even though I knew what you were writing about, I still cried, not only for Chris' friend and family, but for all the families that have been affected by this war. I don't think there is a family in America that doesn't know of someone that has a friend or family member in Iraq or Afghanistan!

Anonymous said...

My dear vfoiend Pat has live dth elige of a milarybwife in canada and has exchnag e officer to the USA. She shares her belief that the woman who lives life with a man committed to our liberty serves all of us for the purpose of liberty and that their wifes know this. Does it make the pain of loss less ...never as we never expect it will happen to us.Let's celebrate his courage and commitment his children, their children need to remember this. The loss of a loved one never dies .

Candy said...

(((HUGS))) The entire thing over there is such bullshit. My heart goes out to this woman. I cannot imagine the pain... may she heal as best as she can and give birth to an amazing child to carry her through this horrendous time.

Cazzie!!! said...

Oh my, I just dropped in here and read your post..this is so damned sad, and I send positive thoughts across to all the men and women waiting for their loved ones to return home SAFE. We have Aussies over there too and in other Countries other than here Down Under on peace keeping posts..still,they are in red zones and I hope they all come home safe.

Anonymous said...

It's a fine balancing act: Being against the war and yet supporting those who are giving their lives to it. Every death causes a ripple effect in our communities. I think I would be sick to my stomach every day if I had to live through this.

Nap Queen said...

Oh no. I'm SOOOOO sorry for your sister's friend, and sorry that your sister will probably be even more worried now. I will keep everyone in my thoughts.

Christie E. Little said...

Ok babe you tell her that if she needs to rant to another Marine wife of three..I'm here to listen.

I agree with you about everything. It's just so endless at this point. We love them, support them, and I guess this is their job. I'm just so tired of all these daddy's being gone. My hubby is never home anymore.

I'm so sorry for your sister.