Tuesday, October 24, 2006

M's girl
Look at this doll!

I was taking her picture, and stealing her away to snuggle and hold, and taking in deep breaths on the top of her itty bitty head to soak up that "baby" smell that I wish I could bottle and keep forever. i looooove that smell! I would take a sniff everyday.
Her mama looks at me and asks "you gonna have anymore kids?"
NO. but I'll eat yours up as much as I can!!
And when the little one cried, I recorded the sound in my head to play over and over again so I can remember that I definitely positively don't want any more babies.


You wanna new poll yet?
I got one. GO CHECK IT OUT -------->

*just changed the poll answers...go vote again if you did before!

The results from the last poll told me that by a landslide most of you feel when it comes to love, permanence is more important than intensity.
I'm not sure what I think about that. I'm thinking most of my readers are married? And old.
Just kidding! but do ya think if I polled a bunch of 18-25 yr olds they'd go for permanence? uh uh.


I've so far, finished off two and a half bags of chocolate candy that were supposed to be for the Halloween trick-or-treaters (yeah, the 2 kids that might show up). yes finished off two and a half bags so far. yummy yummy little chocolates. they're so small you can't just have one and then you start to see nothing wrong with eating 8 or 10 in one sitting.

So today I got smarter and bought another bag of candy that I know I won't eat.
ok, and then I got just one more bag of chocolates.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Beautiful Picture!

Look at that sweet baby! Molly, she is beautiful!

I have successfully not purchased or eaten any halloween candy this year! Yea!

Lori said...

Ah, that's why I wait to buy the candy closer to the day. Between me and the kids, it'd be GONE.

Rhonda said...

That photo is perfect. I love it.

Re: new poll. I think there is a gap between "once" and "many times."

Christie E. Little said...

Bring that camera over! You're wonderful!

That's all I need ...a little baby snuggling. Then I'd get the baby fix over with.

I'll go snuggle the new nephew during christmas. He'll be 5 months old...perfect.

Elizabeth said...

That is one cute kid.

Oh I dig that poll. I gotta go vote.

Kami said...

Such a cutie. I voted. I so bad. I WAS so bad.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I think I'm closing in on you on the Halloween candy thing.

I love any sort of chocolate that won't eat me first.

Candy said...

Awwww... she's so cute! Lovin' the picture... as for the poll question, I'm amazed by the number of people who have cheated. You always hear the averages, but it's just always surprising to me...

Nap Queen said...

Oh, what a SWEET photo. And I love that you got her momma in it too!

I have eaten so much candy, too. We have a damn bowl of it at work which I eat all the time. I need to do those naked photos, but I think my thighs might say otherwise!

Memphis said...

We try to hide the Halloween candy beforehand. Otherwise there might not be any left. We always give chocolate just to be sure we arent' stuck with a bowl of crap we don't like. But the temptation is rough.

Unknown said...

Cute site and glad I have U linked. Watch the Candy!!!