Monday, October 09, 2006

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday!
My girl carrie came in from houston to help celebrate the weekend, as well as my Lauren and weinie dog Oscar. And of course my Lummins and Dwayne!
Friday night we had a fun little celebration at home. with balloons to chase around, birthday hats to wear, and cake to eat (two of them!). singing, silliness, presents, beer...just good times.
Some pictures from Friday here.

And than Saturday was the big party downtown at the Belmont!! SO FUN!
pics from that night are here.

I am a quite proud of the fact that for being THIRTY years old now, for drinking all night and going to bed at 4am, and then awakening at 7:30am with the Lummins- I did very well!
not even a hangover. just verrrrrrry tired and slow.

I think the secret is:
gorge your face at Whataburger at 2am and eat til you run out of money.
then take two advil with a glass of water before passing out.

thankfully I don't get to put this into practice very much...
but you only turn thirty once!


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I usually take an aspirin. Along with a glass of milk and a few cookies. It's a miracle preventative for a hangover.

Cara said...

Look at all y'all with your boobie shirts on! Woo woo!

Aww man, I'm sorry I missed it. It looks like you guys had so much fun!

Rhonda said...

Ahh, the party continued without me... It was fun while it lasted...but I think I am swearing off the booze -- just too old for it. I didn't get out of my pj's all day Sunday.

Memphis said...

Oh, I intend to turn thirty again one day. Oh yes, when all of my friends are turning forty, I shall return to thirty and lie like a dog about it.

I like your recipe for hangover-proofing.

Leska McCall said...

Looks like a great time. Happy birthday!

Memphis said...

I'm so stupid. All this time I've been thinking to myself, "wow, Lucky is such an unusual name. She must have unusual parents to come up with that name for her."

Also, how closely have you looked at your birthday photos? I'm just wondering because I was thinking of this episode of Seinfeld where Elaine sent out Christmas cards and didn't check the photo first. Later, George asked for a card because he didn't get one and she ... was upset with him. Do you know what I'm saying?

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Ha Memphis Steve!

Happy Birthday again to you!

Glad you had such a fabulous weekend~

Anonymous said...

LOL...Memphis Steve...the exact same thing went through my mind when i looked at the pictures!

Kat said...

I'm still amazed ya'll got up so dang early with the kiddos while I just kept burying my head deeper in the pillows. :P

I've never been a huge fan of Whataburger, but that was the best damn food EVER!!!

Such a great time! Can't wait to see you again!

Lucky Lum said...

omg carrie, will you please take the nipple picture out!

Kat said...

Okay, I TOTALLY didn't catch that. :P

Whoopsy... heeheheeheeee

Elizabeth said...

Have I hammered the point home yet that it is NOT FAIR that you look like that with 2 kids?

Have I beat that into the damn ground yet?

OK, then.

Memphis said...

Ah, I wasn't sure if my note about the nipple picture went to Lucky or Carrie, or if the reference to Elaine's Christmas cards was good enough.

Christie E. Little said...

Happy Birthday you hot hot little mama!

Love the Tat from below! Did you really really get that?!!!! Oh my! it though!

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy birthday! You go, Girl!!!

Anonymous said...

2 days and a feeeeeeeew years apart! Happy Birfday dude! Tell your mom she did good!

Tammy said...

Oh, I love the 2 a.m. Whataburger run. IHOP is good too.

Happy birthday!

Kami said...

DAMN. I missed the nipple picture. SHIT.


Anonymous said...

I can tell that you had two wonderful celebrations. I'm happy for you!

I love that top you wore on Sat. night. Cute, cute, cute! D's jacket was cool, too!