Sunday, October 15, 2006

I am a mother
And I am a wife
A daughter and sister
I am a friend
And I am me.

Me is someone who hides in these other roles much of the time, but needs to come out regularly for a breath of fresh air.
I like to take Me out. She’s usually a good fun time. She’s real. She’s good conversation and silliness too.

My Me:
Likes to cuss
Plays loud music
Smokes Marlboro UltraLights
Farts and then sniffs

This Mommy:
Loves to watch and guide her children as they discover and explore their world
Tries to make every outing an exciting adventure (even if it’s just a lame trip to the grocery store)
Is loving and giving
Is tired everyday

This Daughter/Sister:
Loves yakking on the phone
Keeps close
Shares funny and troubling stories about the kids
Thrives on their love and comfort

This Wife:
Is a hot lover
Sometimes nags and complains
Wants to be near her man

This Friend:
Talks sex, poop, and juicy gossip
Cries together
Listens to and shares the daily stresses and deepest troubles

These are not the only parts in my “role resume” but the most prominent on a daily going…
Together they form Me, but I also know that my Me is a separate entity that can sometimes collide with my other duties.
So I’m constantly aiming to achieve that golden balance where all my selves are evenly nurtured and played with. (I’m a Libra ya know…always trying balance those scales…)

I think it’s a shame when someone loses their Me. Whether driven down by being a constant mother/housekeeper, or when the powerhouse workaholics can’t detach from their jobs…
I’m just sayin- we must all take our ME out for spin every now and then!
(of course on the flip side we all know people that play a little too much with their Me and tend to forget about their other roles and responsibilities) …so don’t go overboard)

So I’m curious, is your Me just a configuration of your daily roles in life, or does your Me exist outside of your roles?

Do you let your Me out of the closet regularly for exercise?


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I think I am alot more of me in my roles now, but when I was married I definitly did not let the me out as much. I will not make that mistake again!

Rhonda said...

You are awesome in all of your roles! I am glad to call you a friend. :)

I lost Me once, and it took a while to discover Me again. Now I try to not hide behind any particular role.

mdvelazquez said...

I'm trying to find my Me again.

Anonymous said...

I think it's both, but it's easy to lose yourself taking care of kids. It's even easy losing yourself while blogging, but I'm at my most truthful while writing. Is that a bad thing?

Kami said...

ME sometimes gets lost. I am working on it...

Memphis said...

I think my me is only alive on the blog. Everywhere else he has died.

Anonymous said...

My Me is ummmm, in hibernation...until I meet one of You up here and know that I can act a complete idiot.

Lori said...

You mean I still exist??? I have my "me" thoughts and sometimes one will escape before I realize it, but I would love to combine a little "me" with all of my other sides.

Marisa said...

This is a fabulous post, really well-written.

My ME gets lost from time to time, but she always finds her way back. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love your "me" ..every facet, every shade and every voice of the choir that is you.

Christie E. Little said...

Hmmmm my me. Now you have me thinking.

I'm trying to let it out.

Sheri & SuZan said...

Every time I think I have ME figured out, I change!

Leska McCall said...

LOL at S& S! Yes, just when I find that "golden balance" the scales get tipped one direction or the other.

My Me comes out every day....except it's usu. at 5 in the morning;)

Great great post.

Anonymous said...

Loved this, and needed it too.

Anonymous said...

My daughter,,,in law is one of the most sensitive, caring and thinking individuals I know. I love her for her drawing us into converations that make us THINK and engage!!!! She is quite the woman!!! I love her dearly!