Thursday, October 05, 2006

Well today is the last day of my twenties!
I celebrated by getting my annual OBGYN exam. I know...such a treat for myself.
"please spread your legs so I can stick this cold, uncomfortably metal tool inside your ---"
Yes, fun. Even more fun was waiting an hour and half to actually see the doctor, which half of was spent shivering in a freezing cold exam room, covered only in goose bumps and the paper-thin gown they provided.

But my much better real birthday present...
my birthday present
new tattoo I've been wanting for months.

I wanted something to cover up that little sun I had done when I was 17- the WOOHOO! I'M ON SPRING BREAK IN PADRE LET'S ALL GET MATCHING TATTOOS thing.
I like this new one. It's colorful and swirly and will look even better as it heals!

Go on and have a drink with me for my 30th tomorrow!!

p.s. I do believe I was officially born at 10:29 am, so therefore you have my permission to crack open the beer and cocktails before noon!


Nap Queen said...

Yay for birthdays! So far, being 30 is pretty cool :) And you want to know something freaky? I think I was born at 10:36 am! I love the colors in your new tattoo. Very cool. I can't wait to see you on Saturday especially since my designated driver with me :)

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I love it Lucky! It is awesome!

Cara said...

Ooooh, very pretty! I like the colors too! Did it hurt like a SOB?

Hope you guys have a blast on Saturday night! Sorry I can't be there :(

Beth said...

Happy Birthday, I love the tatoo, Someday I'll stop being a chicken and get my own ;-)

mdvelazquez said...

Happy birthday!

Love the design and color.

Lori said...

Happy birthday! Be safe while celebrating!

Jen said...

oh my gosh I LOVE it!
I'm DYING for another tatoo!!
I turn 30 in August, perhaps that can be my turning 30 present to myself!
LOVE it!
Happy Birthday!

Nap Queen said...

Happy birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeet! You shouldn't be using my tunny for stunt doubles without permission though.

Sheri & SuZan said...

Happy birthday! I am too scared to tatoo anything! I can't like needles! If you come to the Dallas Blow-out and get me drunk enough, I may just do it.

Elizabeth said...

Ok, first I have to be mean just ever so I go.

How the fuck dare you have a stomach that looks like that and you have two kids? What the fuck kinda shit is that? DAMN IT.

Ok, done.

Happy birthday, you HAB!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

PS - I am so not a fan of the tattoos but that is really pretty.

and on the flat stomach, no less.



Memphis said...

Well happy birthday! And congratulations on joining us in the slightly darker and slower days of the thirty-somethings. My time is running out and you are just arriving. But I'm glad to have crossed paths with you. And that's a neat new tattoo, too.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Happy Birthday Miss Lucky!

Have a great weekend! I cant wait to hear all about it!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday!!! Very cool tattoo.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Jackie, you make me laugh out loud with your antics. The tat is very pretty. Hope you have a lovely time all weekend and happy Canadian Thanksgiving to your family.


Unknown said...

I am sooooo sooo jealous. Of the tummy AND the tat.

Sheri & SuZan said...

Great birthday tat Jackie!

...and from us to you...


Kami said...

That is awesome.

I hate going to the girly doc. HATE IT.

Melanie said...

Happy belated bday!!!!