Thursday, May 18, 2006

Not only was the trip to Mexico about fun and beer with good friends,
It was about relaxing and doing nothing. About reconnecting as a couple.

What better way to do that sans children,
Sitting down for conversations over leisurely five course gourmet dinners,
Enjoying the ocean breeze while sipping cocktails,
Swinging on our hammock with the gentle rhythm of the waves rocking in the background?
No responsibilities and no stress.


For our anniversary we celebrated with a candlelight dinner on the beach,
candlelight dinner
(Too much champagne, and the evening was topped off with my vomit in the toilet bowl!)

Besides the champagne mishaps,
Mexico was an absolutely wonderful time!
last night

I keep thinking how I'd like to be on a permanent vacation.
I mean I could really get used to a life without having to cook, clean, do laundry, or take care of kids…
The hardest decision on vacation was choosing the right drink and deciding on how many deserts to order.

The picture show is here.

And check out TKW for more pics and stories.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Happy Belated anniversary and I think being on vacation for ever would be fabulous!

Me said...

Yeah right... if you ate that much food and dessert and drank that much alcohol, how come you still look so freakin' good in the bikini? LOL.

Ohhh, wait - that would be where all the sex came in handy. Worked it off! :)

Kami said...

What great shots!

Nice asses.

You'll have to e-mail me where you guys went and stayed.

Candy said...

Happy Anniversary... the dinner thingy looks awesome!

Jen said...

oh my! You look like you had a BLAST!
I can't imagine lying on the beach having such a relaxing time with NO KIDS!
I would imagine it was the best vacation EVER!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Nap Queen said...

Oh, that picture of you and Wayne is so sweet!!! That table on the beach is gorgeous :) How fun!!

Anonymous said...

You and Wayne make such an adorable couple! It must have been a very romantic getaway.

Kat said...

Yes, you and D-wayne look marvelous!!! That's a great shot of you guys! Sounds so romantic and wonderful - except for the vomit, but that's my Wacky Lucky! :)

Beth said...

It looks like you guys had a great time, and Happy Belated Anniversary.

Rhonda said...

Great photos!

Drinks next week?

Sheri & SuZan said...


Looks like ya'll had a wonderful time (except the vomit part).

How fun!

Amy said...

I can't believe you're home already! Sounds like a great trip.

Memphis said...

Well happy anniversary! It sounds like you guys had a blast.

Christie E. Little said...

A great anniversary (happy A to you) and a little throw up! You'll never ever forget babe.