Thursday, August 17, 2006

So now I know that most of you masterbate a few times a week. That is, if you all played fairly and voted only once (why is it I keeping thinking Memphis Steve probably came and clicked more than a few times?)
But why not? It feels good. Nothin wrong with a little self-lovin.
What really puzzles me are the people who voted "I Don't."
Weirdos... or they're LYING!

Oh but instead of sex this week I'm asking about death.
More specifically,
If there was a public execution on tv would you watch?

You can vote over there on the right.


Elizabeth said...

Yeah, the no people are totally lying. Or else really super tense.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I agree with SFG! I was wondering if there was multiple voting going on!

Unknown said...

Doh! I totally missed the poll! I think I know some people that never do it. Prudish people. Where can I find the results? Ya gotta post them!

mdvelazquez said...


I might watch an execution. It would depend on who was being killed. I guess I should just vote yes, right?


TheStolenOlive said...

I'm all for public exectutions. At least it would be more entertaining than the State Of The Union Address.

Me said...

I don't think people were lying... I just think it's difficult for those that 'do' to believe that not everyone 'does'.

Does that makes sense? LOL.

Monogram Queen said...

I voted "No" to the public execution watching because i'm squeamish but I have to say i'd probably watch and cheer if it were a child molester or some sick fuck like that.

Christie E. Little said...

Ok you're on both your assumptions. They're either lying or weirdos. LOL. go from Ooooos to Executions! Off to vote.

Kat said...

Now, now, some people just aren't as comfortable with their sexuality as others. No need to make them out to be liars and weirdos. I can't see the poll - your site looks all wacky again... so odd. Intereting question though, I probably would just out of morbid curiosity.

Kat said...

A-ha! I can see your template at home! Wonder why it's all screwy at work since they put in the web filters. Bizarre. I voted! :)

Memphis said...

I set up some polls after seeing yours. I quickly came to the conclusion that one guy was coming over and voting randomly, but no one else was. So I had to change the settings to prevent anyone from voting more than once a week. Then suddenly NO VOTES.

I am the master of my domain.