Sunday, March 27, 2005


Holden is a sweetie. He loves to cuddle and sleep on Mom. He sleeps peacefully a lot during the day, but seems to be more fussy and restless at night. So far at night he's only slept in his bassinet about three times. He just loves to sleep cuddled up on Mom. When I try to lay him down he always starts to fuss, and I just can't fall asleep to that. I'm hoping he'll learn to like his bassinet soon though, I just can't sleep soundly with him in bed with me.

He's definitely a different baby than Sophie. I guess since we only have one baby to base our baby experience on, you kinda expect a lot of things to be the same. But he's different and we're just starting to figure out how he works- what he likes, his favorite way to be held or soothed, what he doesn't like. etc. But sometimes I'm thinking "what the heck do we do now?" He's a lot more gassy than Sophie was and I've figured out he doesn't like garlic too much.

Sophie continues to be a good big sister, of course she definitely has her moments! She is obsessed with Holden and his paci. When he has it in his mouth she likes to tell us "Holden paci," when it falls out she makes sure to tell us "Holden's paci fell out" and when he cries she thinks he needs it "Holden need paci." When she finds his paci on the table she tells likes to smile and then stick in her mouth, that is after she makes sure to get my attention because she knows she's not supposed to have it and she likes to test her limits with Mom!
Sophie imitates a lot of the things we do with Holden with her baby. She rocks her baby, burps them, changes them, and now she lifts up her shirt to nurse them! She tells us she's feeding her baby milk. Since she's seen Mom nursing a lot she also likes to talk about boobies now. She likes to find them down your shirt too! She's discovered Mommy, Daddy, Oma, Grammy and even Sophie have boobies!

1 comment:

Mama Duck said...

Love the boobies story...Grace made friends really quickly today with a mom in the class after ours at Gymboree by starting to stick her hand down the woman's shirt...ummmmm, like NO!!!! Not a good idea!!!