Monday, June 13, 2005

I'm going CRAZY!

Somebody please tell me these "terrible twos" don't last an entire year! And I certainly don't want to hear it's longer!
It has gotten absolutely ridiculous around here! Where did my cute, sweet Sophie go??
She has entered some invisible doorway that said "Welcome to the terrible twos!" We did not see this door (and she's not even two yet), but you DEFINITELY know she's gone through!
She is driving me CRAZY!!! The whining and crying and screaming that goes on ALL day long! Sometimes I want to strangle her, or tape her mouth shut at least. She is frustrating the living bejeesus out of me. I try to be patient, but everything has to be "just so" for Sophie. And dare you get it WRONG!!
What really gets me is that after 20 minutes of trying to get Holden to sleep, and he's finally resting peacefully... "WAAHHHHHHHHH!" Sophie starts wailing because I didn't get something exactly right. On the first try.

"No not that cup Mommy"
"Ok, this cup Sophie?"
"NO,not THAT cup. THAT cup!"
"This one?"
"NOT THAT ONE!! NOT THAT ONE!! WAHHHHHH!!" stomping her feet and crying now
"Ok, go get the cup you want."
"Fine, you get this cup and if you don't want it, don't drink it."

I answer Dwayne's phone the other day...
"That's not your phone. THAT'S NOT YOUR PHONE!! THAT'S DADDY"S PHONE! THAT'S NOT YOUR PHONE!!" stomping feet and crying again

"I'm hungry Sophie."
"I'm hungry Mommy."
"Me too."
"No, you're not hungry."
"I am hungry. Let's get some food."
"NO!! You're NOT hungry Mommy!"

Geesh! This goes on with every. little. thing.
When will it end??!!!??


Beth said...

Ok, I won't tell you that with Glenn it lasted till his 3rd birthday, and I won't tell you that it has a tendency to come back in month long stages. Tim's been doing the same thing for 3 months and is progressivly getting worse too. His newest thing is to try to get Glenn in trouble, by hitting him and waiting for a reaction.

Mama Duck said...

Lordy...I'm just waiting. Thankfully the soon-to-be-two-year-old that lives in my house can't talk yet.

I think that's a "thankfully"...or maybe not. Oh boy, either way, two is going to be a rough year.

Anonymous said...

Ah the terrible two's have struck...the good news is they will pass. Hoepfully you can withtstand the pressure while Sophie asserts herself before she becomes a loving three year old...just kidding it shouldn't take a full year!!!

Lori said...

Just wait, it gets even better! Wait till they both start screaming at you. I am hoping someday soon this will ease up. Feel free to complain to me all you want, I totally understand!

Kat said...

You know, I think I had a conversation with my sister yesterday that was relatively close to what you're saying. The difference is she still has two months until the second one is born and Ryan isn't quite as fluent in his words yet. I did refer her to your site to see she's not alone in this battle. :)

c said...

(found you via Kristine)

My Sophie started at about 10 months and things seemed to have quieted down at around 4 years. But she's pretty extreme. I remember mostly just ignoring her when she was being utterly ridiculous!

My babies are 8 and 5 now...glorious, glorious ages.

MJ Tam said...

(found you by just surfing)

I enjoyed reading your blog!

My 5 year old is now in the "terrible five" stage and my 2 year old... well...has started being terrible even before he was 2. But they are still adorable...most specially when they are asleep :-)haha

Peanutt said...

I'm sorry to tell ya honey, but its actually terrible THREES! LOL. Thanks for coming to my blog! I'm adding you to my your site!

Sandy said...

Found your blog through Kristine's. For my 2 cents: It'll go away if you ignore it! If the cup is not the one she wants..too bad! I know, easier said than done, huh?

-E said...

Muwhahah. Now, I know you don't want to hear this, but three is worse than two. Having cleared these ages with both kids I can tell you this with certainty. Keep the liquor cabinet well stocked and make sure you're making use of some Mother's Day Out program. Take comfort in the fact that Sophie's two year old trick isn't peeing off the back steps. Oh wait, you have a boy now...hmmm. Can you take comfort in "this too shall pass"?