Sunday, August 07, 2005

Do use you a pontee too?

I love the way Sophie sometimes gets big or unfamiliar words mixed up.
Today she was staring at my tampon trying to remember what those fun things were called.
"That's your pontee Mommy?"
"Yep, that's my pontee Sophie."
"You put that in your hiney Mommy?"
"Yep, gonna put it in my hiney Sophie."

hee hee hee hee

Some of her other funny words:
paterkiller for caterpiller
mazagine for magazine
cubice for ice cube
brushtooth for toothbrush

She's been a hoot lately. Loves to make up her own words and people.
We were playing legos the other day and she knocked a tower of them down. She says, "Don't worry J.J. will get them."
"J.J.?? Who is J.J. Sophie??"
"Yeah, J.J. Cocoa."
We know no one by this name.
Silly goose!


Mama Duck said...

Silly! J.J. Cocoa? The greatest detective of all times?

Yeah, I have no idea who that is either.

Kat said...

hee-hee, that's cute! If you ever figure out who she was talking about be sure to let us know! :)

Kami said...

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what to tell my son about that lovely girly stuff. "That Mommy's diaper?" Um, uh huh. Sure, dude. I'm just not ready to explain menses with my three-year-old.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I am happy that I am a guy! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that Sophie! I can't wait to see her and hug her again!!