Monday, August 22, 2005

My day, my weekend, my life

My day:
Not so great. Had a nice playdate and lunch with friends, but Holden doesn't want to nap today. Argh! That means he's crabby, clingy, tired, and not the bundle of joy I want him to be.
My weekend:
Great! Got a babysitter Saturday so Dwayne and I could have some much needed relaxation time together. We went oot on the boot for many hours. Beer. Fun. Sun. Tube rides. Sore butt.
My life:
My friends I have gotten off the lazy horse and started working out! It feels great! A big stress reliever and I can listen to my ipod & be in my own little world for half an hour.
I've dusted off my elliptical cross trainer and started using it again. The only trick is finding the time. Best time is when both kids are napping, but that gets tricky making it actually happen. Next best thing is one child naps and the other gets stuck in front of the tv with a Baby Einstein movie. And last choice is wait til they're all in bed. I don't like that one as much because it's too late and then I'm all keyed up when I need to go to bed.
But life is not perfect so I'll take what I can get.


Kami said...

Honey, if you find the way to balance the kid, the hubs, house crap, and managing to exercise, you'll be a rich woman. Dusting off the thing is a good step, though!

Kat said...

Glad to hear you and Dwayne got some time away to relax! Sounds like it was fun! What about a workout time when Dwayne gets home and watches the kiddos for 30 minutes while you workout and destress so you're happy the rest of the night? You could stand at the door and hand him a beer, the baby, and direct him to wherever Sophie is. hee-hee-hee :D

Anonymous said...

We did the baby jogger.