Friday, August 05, 2005


This week's SPF (brought to us by Kristine) is about your OCD tendencies.
Pretty apropriate for someone like me.
The categories this week:
-your horrible habit
-something you obsess over
-something that causes anxiety

I had an especially hard time with the last two since I obsess over EVERYTHING and I have many anxieties!
But alas, I narrowed them down to my all time top obsessions and anxieties.
Here they are:

My horrible habits: (not really that horrible)
Target- my major addiction. And Target is good. Just not spending all your money there every week.

another habit
And my other major addiction- the computer.

Something I obsess over:
something I obsess over
My big ugly crooked nose. This has been an obsession since I was about 12 and started getting made fun of.
And you know your nose never stops growing! Well mine just keeps getting bigger and crookeder every year.
I see a nose job in my near future.

The worst of my anxieties: (remember?)
scorpion anxiety
Ahhh, it makes my heart race just thinking about them.
I drew the picture myself (pretty good dontcha think?) because THANK GOD I didn't have a real one to take a picture of.


Strizz said...

Your computer and its area is NICE! Jesus I have like a 75 lb. monitor over here! HA

Mama Duck said...

Yup, I don't miss those f'in' things AT ALL. Creepy little hardshelled spawn of Satan.


Christie E. Little said...

Yep....we have the Target Habit! LOL...I do love it, though! Love your computer and your that's just a crappy angle of your nose.

Wow..the nose never stops growing...!

Nice to you posting again!

c said...

1. I LOVE those tiles where your computer resides. Awesome.

2. Excellent drawing!

3. Target....ah, yes, Target, where the staff knows me by name.

Cat said...

Oh. The Target obsession. Retail Therapy at Tar-zhay! I SO feel your pain. Or my checking account does, anyway!

Anybody's nose would look-- interesting-- at that angle, silly you! My husband has a butt-nose, and wants rhinoplasty real bad (in best Napoleon Dynamite whine), but I love it just the way it is. However, whatever makes HIM feel good, I'm down with...

Aaaaannnnddd, that's enough rambling for me. :)

Leska McCall said...

soooo with you on the scorpions, great, but creepy, drawing. Cat's right about the angle on the pic....My fam played tennis...ever notice how ALL pro tennis players have a HUGE schnoz? We used it as code "hey, they could play tennis"... Well, if it just depended on the nose, hell I'd be a grand slam champ!

Random and Odd said...

I hated my nose growing up. I was called sky slope for so long that I would cry when I looked at my nose.
After high school I didn't really pay much attention to it. I never thought of getting anthing done to it because I would never have any money for it.
One day I met a p.s.'s daughter who asked me if I had a nose job. I told her that I didn't. She said that my nose is on the cover of every magazine out there. I thought she was fucking crazy.
Then I started looking, and low and nose is quite popular.

I still don't like it, but some people out there do and think your nose is cool. *hug*

Lori said...

Good to hear that I'm not the only Target addicted person :)

Wow, scorpions! I think I'll stop bitchin about all the ants in our house right now.

Kat said...

Ya know, I like your nose, I always have. I don't think it's too big or crooked. Why would you want to look like everyone else anyways? It's part of what makes you YOU. :) I think because you obsess about it in the end it ends up looking worse to you than it really is... kind of like when people go, 'I can't believe this zit or mole or scar' and you honestly hadn't noticed it until they pointed it out. I've got plenty of wacky things going on with my body, I just hope if I don't point them out, maybe no one else will notice... :) Besides, remember Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing? she got a nose job and all of a sudden no one wanted her for roles in Hollywood anymore, why? She suddenly looked like everyone else... :)

Good job on the drawing - still looks creepy and I think we're all glad you didn't have a real one to photograph :)

I love Target as well and have often wandered in to get one small item and wandered out with a full shopping card and nothing left on my credit card... :) What's fun is when you get something from the furniture selection and then realize that it won't fit in your car... :)

-E said...

Maybe we can get a two-for-one special at Personique and I'll get my nose fixed with you!

How come I never see you at Target for as much as we are both there??

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, Target!

I bow to your excellent scorpion-drawing abilities.

Kami said...

Love Target. So glad it's not a Walmart addiction. Haven't seen a scorpion since we moved to Dallas, but there are some bigass spiders, which are almost as bad.

Unknown said...

Target ROCKS!!! Especially since I became a SAHM I go there like at least three times a week, usually early in the AM when I see all the other SAHMs with their babies that will need naps shortly. I buy Target brand formula cuz it's WAY cheaper and the baby food is cheaper than the grocery store. I love their clothes too. I'm obsessed. I thought I could manage to break the habit this week, but I think I need to go tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gorgeous and hello to Dwayne and my sweet grandchildren. I have a lot to tell. Jackie I love shopping at Target with you and I also think you are the most beautiful young woman I know!!!! Talk to you when I arrive home from Ottawa later today!