Friday, September 02, 2005

booze, trunk, dishes

SPF this week is:
1. your favorite alcoholic beverage
2. inside of your trunk
3. your dishes

I have a couple of favorite drinks, but I am a beer girl at heart. But good beer. Not that Bud LIght, Miller Light crap that pretends to be beer. Let me tell you those Canadians and Europeans really know how to do beer right!
Here's my current fav, STELLLLLLLLAAA!!

Here's the inside of my trunk...
my trunk
And Dwayne's trunk...
D's trunk
What do you think this says about us??

And our beautiful dishes...
chipped dishes
We registerd for these for our wedding and they are nice looking dishes, but apparently not Jackie-proof. I have chipped and broken about half of them now.
We once had a set of 12 wine glasses but I managed to break every single one of those in about 6 months also!


Mama Duck said...

You are too funny.

Maybe we should invest in a set of McDonald's plastic plates for you... :)

Renee said...

Those dishes are so pretty.

Also let me guess, were you drunk when all the glasses got broken?LOL

Thanks for playing!:-)

Peanutt said...

chips and cracks makes them unique!

The Q said...

Those are pretty...white nicks and all!

But down the beer and walk away from the dishes! Ha!

Kat said...

Hey now, don't be dogging on the Miller Lite... :) That cracks me up about the chipped dishes and broken wine glasses... heehehee... I was wondering if you were ever gonna play today. Found Archie yet?

Leska McCall said...

Hi, I laughed at the glass thing....been there. I decided that since hubs insists on glass (no plastic, childhood trauma) and the cool, expensive C & B stuff breaks, we'd just go with the cheap libby crap. Had it for going on 2 years, no breaks!

I also answered your questions about er box & stroller in my comments.

Hey, you live in ATX too!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I had to hunt for a set without chips to take my pictures. It wasn't easy!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

The Stella Beer is really good. We had that a few weeks ago at the beach.

Love your plates.

Anonymous said...

So you make fun of us but when you want our beer I see how it is! ;)

Anonymous said...

What a great site
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