Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ode to Sophia

When did you become such a big girl?

You like to pick out your own clothes,
You like to pick your nose.
nose picker
You can put on your own shoes,
You can sit on the toilet and make big poo-poos.
You like to paint yourself with yogurt,
yogurt mess
But girl, sometimes you can be such a little squirt!

I love you Sophia!!


Anonymous said...

That was darling!! I recognize the shirt in the last picture! Tell her we will have to pick out another one when we go to the zoo together. I'm waiting for her and all of you!
Love, Mom

Kami said...

OMG! Didya have to show her poops? Jeez! I wish my kid would do that. No, he likes to do that in his cool undies, that I have to throw out. Yuck.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Everything was precious and exciting and then the poop. Holy crap that is alot of poop no pun intended. Now passed the poop she is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

Any kid in a Roots shirt is okay in my books!

Kat said...

Ah, just what I like to see in the morning, a BIG(seriously, what are you feeding that girl?) :) pile of poop. You crack me up. You should save this post so you can show it to the first boyfriend she brings home... I'm sure she'd be touched by the sentiment... hee-hee-hee Love her choice of shoes! What a big girl! And so cute!!!!

c said...


No poop next time, please?


Nap Queen said...

I LOVE the nose picking picture. She looks so happy about it! What a sweetheart.

Mama Duck said...

HOLY smokes. I hardly even know where to begin...the shoes on the wrong feet? The mile long poop? Painting herself with yogurt (The Duckling painted herself with chicken pot pie at dinner tonight)?

God I miss you guys!

Christie E. Little said...

I'm speechless..!

Look at that pooop!

Jennifer said...

that's a lot of poo!!!!!!!