Wednesday, September 14, 2005

WBW: Bad Fashion

Today I bring you the best of my bad fashion. I have to say I don't think I have any pictures of my absolute worst outfits, so here's the best I could dig up...

bad fashion
This was sixth grade circa 1988, so you can understand the rolled up jeans and ugly geometric patterned sweatshirt.

boy hair
And then there's this one. What do you say about a picture so ugly?
That's my mom, sister, and me on the end. (1984?)
It's not really a bad outfit, it's just baaaad in so many ways.
But this picture makes me laugh so hard when I look at it!
Go ahead and laugh and tell me that you like my hair, my big buck teeth that took 8 years of orthodontics to fix, my mom's cool humongo glasses, and how my sister looks like a boy.


Anonymous said...

Dear god, so people in Texas really do dress that way!!? I thought it was just in the movies we get over here in backwards South Africa ;-)

Christie E. Little said...

You're such a beautiful woman! What was she thinking with those haircuts! LOL.

Peanutt said...

LOL. But you can laugh at me really good today!!!
I love that color purple though!

Tammy said...

Oh, no. I thought your sister was a boy until you said "sister". I'm sorry!

I so remember the rolled up pants and the ugly patterend sweaters. What were we thinking?

Anonymous said...

Should I say you all look like boys? :)

Jennifer said...

Don't ya just love this game! Great to see the pictures

Mama Duck said...

Good Lord...are those pink jeans!?!?!?

Ummm, yeah, I'm going to have to go ahead and make a pledge to you too that I will NEVER cut my girls' hair chosr no matter HOW HARD they beg!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

That last picture is too priceless. Oh my goodness what a picture!

Unknown said...

Those are THAT bad. Just signs of the times.

Rhonda said...

LOL. I thought you all were boys. Rolled jeans were so cool!

Kami said...

Great piCS!!!

Jana said...

I thought you were all boys, too. Scary.

I played too!

Kat said...

you still look cute, but finally some silly photos of you. I love the haircuts and that sweatshirt is priceless!!! Rolled jeans... ah memories... I played too. :)

Lori said...

Very cute. My mom sported sunglasses with big round white frames during my teens. I played.

xtessa said...

ah... the rolled-up jeans... who ever came up with that?!;)

Michelle said...

It's hilarious to me how back in the day we were so careful about our jeans being perfectly rolled up and tight against our legs.

Now I can't stand my jeans to be even a bit tapered. I must have boot cut or flared.

You're pictures are great!

Nap Queen said...

Those are so great. I LOVE the family photo. Truly priceless.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, a priceless family photo! What in the world was I thinking when I PAID for that picture!?!?! At the time, it didn't seem so bad. That was us back then.