Sunday, September 11, 2005

Where, Oh Where Can My Archie Be?

Archie has been gone for two and a half weeks now. Usually he comes back home within a few days. We saw him around that first week he was gone, but now there's no sign of him. We have looked and looked and called his name. We have put food and water out a few times and it was gone the next morning. But was it Archie or another cat??
I wouldn't mind him being an outdoor cat except he doesn't have any front claws to climb or protect himself.
I have been worried sick and keep hoping he'll come to our door meowing to come in.
As each day goes by and he doesn't return I wonder if he'll ever come back.
I keep going back and forth between hopefulness and sadness. I feel hopeful going outside and looking for him, putting food out and waiting for him to be there in the morning.
But then I start thinking he's gone for good. It's been almost three weeks and it's time to realize he's probably not coming back. And then I just cry. I really want to be wrong about that, so I go back to being hopeful...

sleepy heads


Christie E. Little said...

Come back Archie!

I'll be hopeful for you, too. I'm sorry he hasn't come home yet.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I hope he comes home soon. I would be worried too.

Anonymous said...

I hope you find what you are looking for! :(

Kat said...

I'm so sad to hear Archie hasn't come home yet!! Have you looked a the Austin lost pets database yet to see if someone found him wandering around and picked him up thinking he was lost?
If he's fixed he should make his way back home. You might consider getting a live trap cage from one of the animal shelters, that way if he is the one eating the food at night you can catch him... or a really ticked off raccoon... Have you tried posting pictures around the area in case some little kid decided Archie should live with them? Please keep us updated on Mr. Archie!!!!

c said...

Aw, I hope Archie comes home soon. I think the not knowing is the worst part.

Kami said...

Oh no! Please come home, Archie!

Anonymous said...

It's sad to lose a pet. We had to say good bye to Astro 2 weeks ago. And send him off to doggy heaven.
I hope Archie comes home soon.
Is Sophie asking where he is?