Wednesday, October 19, 2005

So Long Percy

Percy must have read the blogsite because he did the skedaddle last night.

The assassination was planned for last night in the evening before it got too dark. But of course Dwayne did not get home on time and I was left to fend for myself and tend to the two beastly children. And it got too dark and I was scared to kill Percy in the dark for fear I might miss and he would attack me!
So the plan was rescheduled for the next day (today) when the children were napping.

When I woke up in the morning and brought Sophie downstairs we followed our usual morning ritual of looking out the window for deer and squirrels, and lately a peak and brief conversation with Percy.
But Percy wasn't there. I thought he might just be out for a his morning walk. But NO, he and his web had hit the road!
Hooray!! Now all you spider lovers will not hate me because I didn't have to slaughter Charlotte's evil cousin Percy.

I however will not be surprised if we see Percy again. For we know that he is Percy, the persistent spider.


Mama Duck said...

Maybe he was working on a roadtrip for Way Back Wednesday?

Anonymous said...

Run Percy run!

Kat said...

He used his 'Spidey-sense' and anticipated your attack. hee-hee. Glad to hear you didn't have to squish the spider. :)

Nap Queen said...

It's so nice when things work themselves out on their own!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Woo Hoo No More Percy!

SuburbanMom said...

We have a huge spider outside our kitchen window...and he has been there forever...maybe I should go take a pic :)