Monday, October 31, 2005

You knew these were coming

Happy Halloween!

Behold The Pumpkin and The Fairy
hooray for pumpkins

We had a great and not-so-great weekend.
Saturday we ventured over to Pioneer Farms for a Fall Festival filled with farm animals, live music, crafts, and of course the pioneer village to explore. Sophie enjoyed apple bobbing, making animal sounds at the farm animals, and even sewed her own bean bag. That was part of the great part.
Holden pets big brown horse

The not-so-great part was me being sick and feeling like doggy doo-doo. And Dwayne had a hockey tournament which meant he was pretty much gone the entire weekend. I'm glad he had fun (ok, not really) but it certainly sucked for me!

Let me tell you the other sucky part before I try to think of something else that would fit into the great part of the weekend.
This blasted time change!
My children are getting up at 6am and are cranky, whiny, and tired the whole day because they need to go to bed, but I'm trying to keep them up a little longer so they'll go to bed on time and not wake up even earlier than they are.
Why don't they get that you're supposed to GAIN an hour? Go back to sleep!!!

Ok so the other great parts of the weekend. Hmmmmmm...
Yeah, I got one!
I put a spell on you!
I got some good pictures. Check them out here if you wanna see! (you've seen some of them already but I added the new ones to the end)
Now go eat lots of candy!


Anonymous said...

Yep, we tried the same thing Saturday night... keep him up a little longer... then at 7am.. oh wait, 6am... in comes the boy! Nice sleep in dude!

Kat said...

Oh my goodness you have the cutest children!!!! We took Ryan and Reese out to a farm on Saturday as well. It was interesting. Animals, slides, a corn-cob train ride, a human hamster wheel... an 8 acre corn maze which I skipped because dude, have you seen 'Children of the Corn'? No way I'm falling for that one. :) Sorry they aren't adjusting to the time change well... :(

Anonymous said...

The pictures are darling. I think Holden's smile was as big as the jack-o-lantern smile on his costume! And, Sophie.... well, she's just the cutest little princess there ever was!
Sorry that you were feeling sick. Are you better now?


Nap Queen said...

They are super, super cute! I love the ones of Sophie sitting on the tile floor. Sorry you are feeling poopy :(

Mama Duck said...

The Duckling said, "Sophie" when we looked at these pics! (of course, I told her whoe it was and prompted her, but still!)

Hope you're feeling better and yes, my kids haven't quite gotten the swing of the time change either....grrrrrr!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I love Princess Sophie. She looks great!

Rhonda said...

The time change is screwing me up too. Those kiddos are too cute!

Christie E. Little said...

You have the cutest little fairy princess of all!

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Good morning and now that I have a warm fuzzy feeling ,having just reviewed the slide show of my star family I have to say I LOVE YOU!!!Sophie, my honeybun, I saw a mischievious look in your fairy princess eyes. Holden I think I would love to cook you up in a pumpkin pie because you are so sweet!!!
Hope you are all feeling better . Talk to you soon.