Friday, June 23, 2006

I've been a big blogging slacker lately. I've not been able to keep up with the reading and commenting on my regular route.
I'd like to say I've been doing something useful. Oh sure I've been running the kids around and errands, trying to get my photography business started, you know... but the real truth is I've been spending a large part of my spare time feeding my latest addiction.


Now I had heard from many a folks that this was a fun but highly addictive game, and I intentionally stayed away refusing to even look at a Sudoku puzzle.
But last weekend I'd completed the crossword puzzle, the unscramble words, and all the other games. But there was this one box of numbers left staring and waiting for me on the page.
Sudoku was calling my name.
And I haven't been able to stop since. My mom (thanks Mom) got me a Sudoku puzzle book for Christmas, which I purposefully stashed away in the drawer.
But last Sunday I hunted that sucker down. Now the poor book looks as if it's been passed through the hands of an entire kindergarten classroom. Pages torn, crumpled, erased over and over many times, spilled on, chewed... It's because the book travels with me everywhere.

So now besides photgraphy, blogging, writing, doing crossword and sudoku puzzles, I don't have any other major addictions. ok, well smoking too.
But I know you have your addictions as well.

And now on a totally unrelated topic, I'm resuming the weekly polls around here.
this week's poll question:
If you were having difficulty on an important test and could safely cheat by looking at someone else's paper, would you do so?

Now go vote over there!


Me said...

Does the poll question come from the fact that the answers to soduku (sp) are in the back of your book and you feel guilty for sneaking a look? LOL.

(I do crosswords and sometimes I will sneak a look at just ONE word and see if that gives me the momentum to get the rest on my own.) As for the REAL poll question? NO I would never ever ever steal a look at someone elses paper. Ever.

(although Coffeehusband would and DID when we were first married and applying for our California Drivers Licenses. I was 'quicker' than him so he looked at my paper and copied all the answers....

... the problem is that we had different tests! Bah ha ha ha.

Kat said...

One year in summer school in college in Finance, our tests were open book, open notes and it was one of those classes where you're all crammed together theater style seating. You didn't even have to try to look for other people's answers. I often wonder why the professor didn't just give us the answers beforehand, like one of my other professor who told us that all test questions came from the back of each chapter in the book - which had the answers. No shit. I got an 'A'... imagine that! :)

I have been staying away from the soduku, but I'm glad to hear you have something else to keep you busy, although I'm feeling all lonely with your lack of comments. :) hee-hee

Anonymous said...

I limit myself to only working on Sudokus right before I go to bed. It helps me unwind. Some nights, I can work one or two of them (if they are only rated 1 or 2 stars). Most nights I start a Sudoku and can't finish it because I'm so tired. The 4 and 5-star puzzles might take me 2 or 3 nights!

Your dad has gotten really good at doing the Sudokus. I got him hooked on them, too!

Did you know that some of the Sudoku books use symbols or letters instead of numbers? Those are fun, too!

Anonymous said...

Since adicts like to keep company with other adicts... Web Sudoku - Billions of Free Sudoku Puzzles to Play Online.

Hi. My name is John and I am adicted to SuDoKu.

Kat said...

I stopped by Barnes and Noble after my workout - which hindsight has taught me was a very bad idea with my current condition - and noticed a 'Soduku for Dummies' board game! Not to mention a shitload of books, all with Soduku puzzles.

I might have to give in to finding something that would ACTUALLY embarrass you (does anything actually exist???) for your 30th and just feed your addiction instead!

**I know you are busy, but if you need a laugh, go look at the video I posted on my site.... bwahahaahhahhaaaaaa

I love you girl!!! I miss the hell out of you too! Are you sure you don't want to come to the beach for the 4th? Maybe I can come visit you the weekend after? :)

Jay said...

I'm also a Sudoku addict. But, the problem I have with Sudoku is the same problem I have with crosswords. I can't stand to leave it unfinished.

I will get on the internet and search for answers to crosswords just so I finish the puzzle. My mother can just toss it away if she can't answer anymore. I can't leave things unfinished.

Elizabeth said...

I purposely stay away from that. I don't need another addiction.

Tammy said...

I, too, stay away from Soduku. I don't need another addiction.

I would SO look on someone elses test to pass.

Leska McCall said...

Nope, not a cheater. Not even at Sud. And I can't leave it unfinished at night, have to complete it, otherwise I have to start completely over.

Christie E. Little said...

Ok so we're even. You got me addicted to the you're doing my sudoku! LOL.

We just have so much time on our not?!

Anonymous said...

I refuse to even look at this sodoku thing. I saw stuff for it at Bed Bath and Beyond this weekend and I just walked on by.

I am strong.

Anonymous said...

I HATE that thing! ohhh, hello!

Kathryn said...

I just learned to play that on a game my daughter has for her Nintendo DS. It's fun!!

Yes, I would cheat if I knew I wouldn't get caught, on a test, not in a relationship!

Kari said...

That crap gives me a headache but I still do them all the time.

Rhonda said...

Oh for Pete's sake woman, put down the puzzle and post.

Jennifer said...

We all have the blogger lazy every now and then. Heck I took a long break and come back only to find I can't keep up!!! It's good to be back, but boy I have a lot to read...

-E said...

Hey, I saw Sodoku at B&N tonight and thought about getting it (I had a gc as an end of the year gift from a student). Hmmm, maybe I should invest in this game after all? Because I surely need one more thing to occupy my time. Ha!