Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Phlegm has invaded my body. I've had a strong and steady headache since Saturday. I'd like to crawl into my bed and rest for the next month. But as my mother in law says,
"No rest for the wicked."

So I've been busy hopping around to this appointment and that. Taking care of business here and there so I can get my own business started.
All the while, taking care of the Lummins who do NOT understand the concepts of "headache" and "quiet." And that when they pound their spoons on the table it feels as if a 2 ft wide nail is being hammered into my head with a bowling ball!!

So as not to fill this entire post with my aching and moaning, I'll reveal some random tidbits about the Lums today.

Holden could probably eat an entire watermelon by himself if I let him.
face stuffer

Dwayne loves to shop. He won't admit this himself and will probably be in quite a tizzy after he reads this, but I speak the truth. He is a Mr. Fashionista these days and prides himself on finding basement bargains on designer threads.
new belt

Three year olds are HELL!!!!! (ok, she's not technically three yet, but darn close enough)
And just why didn't any of you experienced mothers tell me this when I was bitching about the terrible two's??
evening flowers

oh yeah,
where did June go???


Rhonda said...


It's about time you posted. :) Sorry you still feel crummy. Get better soon.

Nap Queen said...

LOVE that photo of Holden :) He's very into that watermelon. That belt is sooo cool. Go Dwayne! Sorry you are feeling poopy. I hate getting sick in the summer. There's something about the heat that doesn't help anything.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, nothing slays me like baby toes.

Me said...

Mmmm I like 3 year olds. LOL.

... and she has such CUTE pants.

Jennifer said...

Have to say that I adore the watermellon picture!! Sorry you feel ekkkkcckk. I have been like that all week

graymama said...

Hope you are feeling better :-)

I just entered the 2s and now I am afraid of the 3s!

Michelle said...

Ugghhh! Why don't kids let mom's be sick in peace? Hope you feel better soon.

Oh and um yeah, 3 was a lot harder than 2. Whoever coined the phrase terrible 2's obviously had never dealt with a 3 year old.

Steph said...

Sorry you feel bad. My hubs is a shopper too. Worse than me ! I like that belt !!
Oh and I will trade your almost 3 for my almost 13 - who is PMS'N like BAD ! I swear I saw her head spin around tonight !

Steph said...

Oh & I love the shots of your kids- very cool !

The Egel Nest said...

I love the watermelon picture :)

So cute!

The Egel Nest

Marisa said...

Of course no one ever told you about the terrific 3's. There would be no fun in that, silly! those before have suffered. MUAHAHA!

Hope you feel better soon. Great pics.

Kami said...

Dude. I have said that terrible twos is a bunch of BS. Three is way worse. :)

Hope you feel better, and I really will sit down and e-mail you once the MIL leaves.

Kat said...

I'm sorry you are not feeling good. I think coming to the beach for the weekend would make you feel all better... :) Not that I'm pushy or anything... :)

LOVE the picture of Holden! Is he trying to cram the whole thing in his mouth? I've noticed with Ryan as he approaches 3, that the attitude is getting much more defined. :)

Anonymous said...

Twos!?!?! pfft!
EVERY single one of mine breezed through the twos and fell apart on thier third birthday. Hang on1

Amy said...

Three year olds are nuts. Once, with my first kid, who was three at the time and WOULD NOT STOP WHINING for LOVE or MONEY, I poured milk on his head from the jug. Just to shock him into being quiet.
He thought it was a riot. I almost kilt myself with the guilt.
Hang in there, you.

Anonymous said...

Holden loves that watermelon because it makes his gums feel so good as he get those beautiful little teeth. Pictures are lovely.

Tammy said...

There is nothing worse than a headache and kids. Those words should not be used in the same sentence.

Feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Is it possible to send our kids away somewhere until they're civil again?

Anonymous said...

you should of been reading my blog ;-)
three is the worst age, ever. two is a breeze compared to three. at least in the huckleberry house.

Hope your headache goes away and good luck with your new business.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, especially Holden and the watermelon!

If I'd told you that the 3-year-old stage was worse than the 2's, you probably wouldn't have believed me at the time. It gets better after this stage, so hang in there!

Love y'all!

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »