Sunday, June 11, 2006

MASCULINE and FEMININE were the words for this Weekend's Word Challenge.
(Go see OddMix for the details.)

Other than the obvious to photograph our genitals, I was trying to decide what I could shoot to show a clear distinction between the masculine and feminine.
I looked over and zoomed in on Dwayne's huge honking Big Daddy watch. And then glanced down at my small silver piece.
It was then I decided on our watches.




As for me,
I'm hanging in there and trying to sort it all out.
I'm a big train wreck right now, but I have reached a few conclusions so far.
I need to take care of myself so I can be a better mother to my children.
I need an outlet- whether it be a job, a hobby, taking a class, or exercising... I need to do something for me.
Everyone needs to take time to nurture themselves and that's not too much to ask for.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Great pictures! I love it!

Good luck on finding what you need. You should not feel guilty about doing something for yourself!

Elizabeth said...

Once you figure your stuff out, it will improve I hope.

PS - the pic of the toothpaste encrusted mirror cracked my shit up.

Sheri & SuZan said...

Great photos and representation of masculine and feminine.

You got it!!! Now go spoil yourself silly.

Rhonda said...

Wanna come to Vegas with us?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...Have you heard of the super woman syndrome..the one where we as women try to do it all and perfectly as well I might add. Yes time for yourself is esssenatil other wise you lose a part of yourself and trust me it took me years to figure that one out. Looking forward to our next chat!!! Love you

Kat said...

Great choices for the theme! So glad I got to see you yesterday!!!! You may be a bit of a looney (hell, aren't we all??), but you're still my wacky jackie!!! :) love ya girl! You'll get your snap back, hang in there! :)

Tammy said...

Great shots!!

You totally need to pamper yourself some. If you give and give and give out, you soon will have nothing left.

Kim Tracy Prince said...

I just found this site through Oddmix and I have a few things to say:
-I am IN LOVE with Sophie. In a good, motherly, I-have-a-chubby-one-year-old kind of way.
-I went through the same existential crisis and I think it never ends. I went back to work and it has somewhat abated.
-Great photography. Indeed. I'm adding you to my daily blog list.

Kami said...

Great shots.

Yes, you do need to find something for yourself. Photos? :)

Candy said...

Those turned out fabulous! And hang in there.. do something absolutely 100% just for you!

The Egel Nest said...

Lumsky -

The 5 o'clock shadow also helped with the "masculine" part :)

The Egel Nest

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to drop by quickly and tell you I miss you guys, especially mom!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Great pictures, and as for the personal stuff, I was just thinking the same thing.

I have the blog as an outlet, but I need something where I actually leave the house.

Anonymous said...

Very nicely done. I love Dwayne's watch.

Take care of yourself.

graymama said...

I love that not only do the watches show up in the pictures, but the wedding rings and hands, as well. Great!

Please take time for yourself! Every mama, especially, should do this.

You have a new addition to your readership

Anonymous said...

Hunny just remember...the witching hour sucks! It's not easy. You're at the hardest part right now with the ages. I do love your pictures, so maybe you're on to something there.

Hell, what do I know. I have zoloft, welbutrin, and a little valium for emergencies. LOL!

Anonymous said...

However great your kids are, it's time to put you first, woman... at least until you feel better.