Monday, April 10, 2006

Biscuit Brothers vs. Wiggles

We went to an exciting birthday party this past weekend. The whole Lum Fam attended. It was at Central Market where you can sit outside on the patio and enjoy the food. They have a huge playscape and lots of green fields for the kids to enjoy. I am embarrassed to say as an Austinite I had never taken the kids there before.
So anyway, there was this quirky country band The Biscuit Brothers playing.
Boy these two guys (who claim to be brothers, but I’m not so sure I completely believe that) sure can rock out on the banjo and gee-tar! They could kick the Wiggles asses!
I do not like the Wiggles. Not in a house. Not with a mouse. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere.
Their catchy catchy songs get stuck in my head. After an entire evening of my brain and mouth stuck on “toot toot, chugga chugga big red car,” I want to kick my own ass.
And none of the Wiggles are cute. They are so gay (and NOT in the homosexual way). Jumping around and wiggling their fingers like idiots.
Drive me absolutely insane!!
I know the kids love them and all… and I’ll tolerate them for the sake of the Lummins. But I cannot enjoy.

Now the Biscuit Brothers are cool.
Good entertainment. Family fun. Real musicians.
And one of them is kinda cute. Even if he’s wearing overalls.

After the party, we headed into Central Market to do the grocery shopping.
But with two cranky, didn’t-take-a-nap Lummins I thought I’d be committed before we reached the end of the boggled Central Market maze.
Solution: Dum Dums
Sophie snagged a couple after the piƱata was busted open. They were the perfect remedy.
Kept the kids busy and happy. Until Holden dropped his. And then dropped it again. And then dropped Sophie’s too. When we reached the checkout and the Dum Dums were gone, it was meltdown time.
TWO screaming Lummins. Three people ahead of us, and every single one of them paid with a check.
Who the hell still pays with checks? And not just one random elderly person who refuses to join the 21st century, but THREE of them!

And all asked for paper bags of course, which you know are great for the environment and all… but take way longer to load.
Especially if you’re a 60 year old lady bagging.
It seemed like we stood there for eternity. Every head was turned in our direction due to the intensity and loudness the Lummins inherited from me!

So you know I have about 150 pictures from the weekend to sift through and upload. I’ll give you one now.
Ok, two.


These are my favorites. The first one because of my own photo obsessed reasons-
the dude came out sharply in focus and illuminated (in my 12 or so other shots of him, he was always dark), the colors are vivid, and I just like it.
Even though you can’t see his face, I like the emotion and action in the shot.
And I’m proud of myself. Because even though I want to be a really good photgrapher, I’m so far from it. I took so many shots with Nik, but many were dark, out of focus, or otherwise uninspiring.

And this one because it’s so sweet...

father and son
It’s the moment.
Daddy helping Holden practice his new standing capabilities.


Kami said...

Fruit salad,
Yum Yummy.

Your boys are too cute.

Anonymous said...

Dum Dums rock.

Fantastic bribery tools.

Not that I bribe my children...ever...

Anonymous said...

Im with you on the wiggles.. hey that guy in the background looks like D!

Rhonda said...

That is a great picture. The guy just pops off the screen. Nice work.

Central Market drives me nuts. No one is ever in a hurry there.

Hey, a friend and I are thinking of taking our kiddos to that church MMC mentioned to take photos w/ the bluebonnets. Wanna come?

Sheri & SuZan said...

Ah, I wish I could say I miss those days....but I CAN'T! I was just thinking how easy it is to go to the grocery store and run errands. I say "by guys, I'm me on my cell if you need me."

On the other hand, I miss the snuggles, the giggles, the innocence of it all......

Kat said...

The Wiggles need to go.

Check writing is bad enough (especially since most grocery stores run them through like using your card anyways, so what's the point) but I don't get how people still write checks for over. It's called the ATM....

Love the pic of Holden and Dwayne! That is a cool shot of that dude - is he the cute one? :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to keep a stash of Dum Dums in your purse. When the kiddos drop one, you can whip out another one.

Great picture of Biscuit! Very sharp and wonderful color, too!

The picture of D & H is priceless and precious!

Nap Queen said...

I wrote a check at Target the other day, but only because I didn't want the money to come out of my account right away :) That last photo is soooo sweet! I love it.

Cara said...

I was channel surfing the other day and saw the Biscuit Brothers show. It looked cute. I've only seen a little bit of a Wiggle video about 4 years ago, but it was enough to irritate me.

My parents actually prefer to go to the grocery store to write a check for cash instead of going to an ATM machine like normal people. They don't even have ATM or check cards. Insanity!

Unknown said...

What is this check you speak of?

Parties at CM. I had no clue!

Love both pictures. Your baby is so cute.

Anonymous said...

This picture brings tears to my eyes.

Melanie said...

I love that last pic. So sweet.

Stacie Wagner said...

Oh, I know what you mean about wanting to be a better photographer. I can see the picture in my head, but am yet able to shoot it. Great pics, I think you are a great photographer!