Tuesday, April 11, 2006


-quoting Sophie.

And has become my new favorite phrase.

What the hell is Tuna Porn you ask?
It’s a catch phrase from Sophie’s collection of rambling, rhyming nonsense words and songs.
While toying with the word unicorn out came “tuna porn.”
Complete nonsense. And hilarious!!

When I’m in a grumpy mood or pumped up because the jackass driving in front of me cuts me off, I yell “Tuna Porn!”
Totally cracks me up and makes my sourness disappear.

Try it.


Sheri & SuZan said...

LMAO....I'll have to try "tuna porn" good phrase!

BTW: Thanks for watching our back today!

Amy said...

Dude! I'm all over that. I'll let you know if it works for me too *grin*

Anonymous said...

Tee hee...tuna porn...is that like fish getting their groove on?

Anonymous said...

I think I have that for lunch today!

Jen said...

I'll have to try that next time!! :)

Rhonda said...

Love it!

Kat said...

So freaking cute! :) Love it!

Marisa said...

Can I translate that to French?

I'll try that next time.

Leska McCall said...

How funny! I'll give it a try.

Anonymous said...

You do not want to know what I yell out...don't forgett little ears are listening!!! Love you!

truckdriver_sefl said...

Sounds like a great idea to me. As many times as I get cut off I need something like this. Sceaming you SOB is getting old:-}

Tammy said...

Tuna porn? Sounds like a lesbian porno to me.

Kami said...


Ummm... Hmmmm... You been taking your meds, honey?

Christie E. Little said...

Don't you love it when they just make us crack up..even when we're in the ickiest of moods.

Happy Easter babe...