Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I shall share all the gory details

Sunday morning we awoke to the puke party that Holden had in his bed, the aftermath photo which I shared with you.
I officially diagnosed him with the Puke Virus.

Last night I was in a half sleep when I heard Dwayne bring Sophie into our bed.
He dosed her up with tylenol for her fever.
I remember hearing slurp, slurp, glug, glug, as Sophie finished off her entire sippy cup of water.
In my half awake state I remember thinking oh no she's gonna totally puke that up! but the words never made it out of my mouth.
A minute later I am fully awakened to the "BLEEEEEEEEEECK!!" sound of liquid barf
and the "OH SHIT! Get a towel QUICK!"
It was all over our bed.

So I've been captive to the house for the past few days with the kids and the puke virus.
I'm just waiting for my turn next. But I figure if I'm gonna get sick then it might as well be now, before my trip to paradise, mexico.

I wish I could get a day off though.
Today I just don't feel like being a mom.
Surely other mom's feel this same way at times...
And if they say they don't, I think they are LYING. they just don't want to fess up to what they view as guilty, selfish thoughts.
But come on, somedays I just don't want the responsibility of having to take care of anybody.
I would like to wake up and NOT have the dial on the children's volume and energy level cranked full blast!
I don't want to be a mom today.

A friend, a childless friend, recently asked me what motherhood was really like. was it everything I thought it would be?
Some days it is a brutal job. Painful. Overwhelming.
Sometimes motherhood robs you of the simplest human needs: sleep, showers, food, sex...
But you endure.
Nothing belongs solely to you anymore. Not your belongings, your body, your head, your time, or your heart... You share them all.
Motherhood is a lifelong journey I'm on. A path that I can only see a few feet in front of, but wish I could peak ahead around the corner just to make sure I'm not totally screwing this job up.
And if it weren't for my children I wouldn't be able to endure. They make it worthwhile.
It's the joy and inspiration they bring to each day.
Their innocence and beauty.
The wonderment and delight you take with each of their new discoveries.
The milestones you await and anticipate. Then clap and cheer like mad when they finally reach them!
It's devotion. And lots and lots of love. Love and adoration that can't be measured, rising to heights you didn't even think you were capable of reaching.
It's the new found desire to be a good person, a good citizen, a good parent; to do the right thing because you want to raise your children to do the same.

But still, I'd like the day off every once and awhile.


Kami said...

Oh, honey. Yeah, we all NEED a day off every once in a while.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

You deserve a day off after cleaning up and dealing with Motherhood daily for the past few years!

Soon you will have multiple days off in a row while in Mexico sipping Margaritas!

Unknown said...

Ewwwwie, sorry about the puke.

Sometimes I wish I could just have a job with a pay-check again to feel appreciated and worth something. I know though that someday this will pay Peanut is hollering from her crib (1.25 hours or not sleeping during nap time...she's freakin' persistent).

Kat said...

Everyone needs a day off once in a while... even us lonely sex-deprived single people... although your job makes mine look like a tea party. :) Hang in there, Mexico will make it all better!!!! Seriously though, if you and Dwayne would just give in and move to H-town - voila! Instant babysitter! :)

Candy said...

Yes, I have definitely had days when I just don't want to be a mom anymore. Usually (somewhere between 5 seconds and 24 hours) after, one of them will do something super cute or sweet and remind me that it doesn't suck... at least not all the time *laugh*

Unknown said...

As long as you're happy, it's all that matters! Sounds like you make a wonderful mother!

Melanie said...

Ah yes, the day off. I just want to sleep in one weekend. I think that would be fantastic.

Sorry about the puke.

Tammy said...

What a great post. I'd like a day off too. Why don't all of us blogging moms take it together. In Paris?

Stacie Wagner said...

You said it sister! You are a great mom & wouldn't be if you didn't have ALL those feelings. Just think, you have officially entered motherhood, by being puked on!!!! I just entered a few weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh honey, you deserve a rest and I am sure Mexico will perk you up. Now that you got all that off your chest I bet you feel a little bit better. Writing our thoughts and feelings out are cathartic and it is important to self reflect as often as you can. Too many people pass through life as observers. You on the other hand appear to be soaking it up and making a difference. Dwayne and the little lummins are lucky to have you and vice versa. You will have many more days that drive you crazy but God gives special graces to the nurturers of whom you are one. Remember that the hand that rocks the cradle and cleans up the puke is capable of changing the world.

Love Jackie

Rhonda said...

Amen. I feel that way sometimes and I only have one and don't stay home with her all day. You are completely allowed to have those days.

I am sorry I have to bail on tomorrow night. Although, I would have hated to catch the Puke Virus.

Elizabeth said...

Puke is no fun.

Yes, a day off for Moms would be nice, huh?

Lori said...

I soooo know what you are talking about... At least soon you will have a break. Just one full 24 hours out of a normal week would work wonders for us. One day right? :)