Sunday, April 23, 2006


crime scene

Did Mommy finally snap and finish off the children?

Did Holden bite through his tongue and bleed out through the night?

Or was it the Holden Special: Strawberry Poop Explosion?

You know what it was?
It was the remanants of yesterday's birthday party.
The party where after all the little children left their food plates and juice boxes, Holden came around and cleaned up after them.
Cleaned up after every single one.
It was crackers, cheese, goldfish, juice, strawberries, cookies, melon, chips, more juice, cake, and a bit of grass and dirt...
He was the The Very Hungry Caterpillar who kept eating eating and eating.
And just like the caterpillar he must have had a stomachache at the end.


Drama Mama said...


Anonymous said...

At this age I guess children are too young to learn from their mistakes...(?)

Marisa said...

Nasty! Poor little man.

Leska McCall said...

ACK! Not what anyone wants on a Sunday morning. Hope he's better.

Anonymous said...

Oh my ...I think every parnet has had an experience that required bleach, stain remover, deordorizer and patience!! How is his little tummy now that he has purged????

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Poor little man! That sucks and so sad for his mama who had to clean that and him up!

Elizabeth said...

And here I thought someone was going to have to bail you out....

Rhonda said...

That is disgusting!

Tammy said...

Looks like the opening scene from CSI . . .

Kat said...

Okay, while I feel for you, you didn't really have to share, really. :) Poor little guy!

Unknown said...

That is just not right.

I love it!

Melanie said...

I feel your pain. My kid was covered in poop a few days in a row around Easter. Ugh.

Nap Queen said...

OMG, I was so scared when I saw that picture!!! Glad it was just poop :)

Odd Mix said...

Your posts hit entirely too close to (my) home.