Monday, March 06, 2006

Meet Nose

So last week, I posted a really hot picture of me in a bikini.
This week I thought I'd show you my Not-so-Hot side.

Nose, one of my lifelong insecurites.
something I obsess over

My nose is a huge flaw on my face.
This is no secret to those of you that know me in real life. I've always disliked my nose. It is big. And it never gets smaller as hard and often as I wish. I think I could handle just a big nose, but it is also very crooked and seems to just get more crooked every year!

I'm not fixated on having a perfect face or body by any means. I think beautiful, sexy people come in many different forms and sizes. Big noses, big asses...whatever. It's the whole person that defines their beauty.
But anyway, I want to look in the mirror and see a nicer nose.
I have been wanting a nose job for about 15-16 years. Of course my parents would never pay for something like that when I was a teenager. So at one point in my college career I had a job and went to the plastic surgeon to talk about fixing my nose. I was approved for financing and almost ready to go. But my mom and other family members were not so keen on the idea. And blahblahblah, it never happened.
It seems most people close to me have had one of the two reactions when I tell them I want the surgery.
1. But it's such a part of you...It makes you unique...You're so beautiful the way you are...
2. If you want to do it, go for it... If you want it that bad...if it will make you feel better, then you should do it!

Dwayne's reaction has been a perfect balance between the two. He loves me no matter.

Every picture of me I see, I see Nose.
Here's my closeup- no makeup, no fixed hair, or anything else trying to hide from Nose.
face close-up

It's big and crooked and it's getting fixed one day.

Anyone that would like to donate to my Get a New Nose Fund, may contact me by email and I will gladly give you our address so you can mail your contributions.


Leska McCall said...

I have a big one too, and mine's been broken, to boot! So now it has a HUGE hump on the bridge. But I'm not going to change it - I don't think I would like looking in the mirror and looking that just wouldn't seem like ME.

I like your nose, it gives you character!

Amy said...

I have one of those noses too. I don't LOVE it, but I feel like it's a part of me. I'll have my tummy fixed instead. You should do what makes you happy!

Elizabeth said...

Ok I know that post was supposed to be about your nose, but the first thing I thought when I saw your face was "Wow, great skin." Then you said you had no make up on. Bitch.

Kidding. You have fab skin. I am a tad bit jealous.

Amy said...

When I saw your pictures for the first time on other blogs from that blogger weekend thingy, the only thought I had was, holy shit she is gorgeous. Your no make up picture confirms this.

Rhonda said...

You are gorgeous. But I am a proponent of fixing things that bug you about yourself.

Me said...

We all have things that bug us about ourselves... I can see that your nose would bother you, BUT obviously you have a kazillion friends, a great husband, gorgeous kids.... yada yada and it's NEVER defined who you are! :)

Fix it if you want... but we'll all love you no matter what. Anyone who can look THAT GOOD with no makeup on gets a ribbon and a trophy in my world! LOL.

Kat said...

No makeup? For real? Damn, that's just not right! You still look hot!!

You know that I love your nose and think it's part of what makes you Jackie and don't really see it the way you do, but I've been bitching about my boobs forever so if you think it will make you happy to have it changed, go right ahead. Just remember that when I decide to get some Double D's... :)

Anonymous said...

You are SO beautiful!!!! Why is it we women always focus on our not do hot attributes instead of looking at the whole package? You are A HOTTIE JACKIE!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess you've probably heard it a thousand times by now, but you're beautiful the way you are. You're different, you're you, and no one else looks like you. Maybe it's your nose that differentiates you from another, maybe it's your lips. But if we could all change our looks so easily to get the perfect nose or the perfect mouth, we wouldn't be celebrating our differences.

Everyday I can't help but feel bad that every other woman seems to have bigger boobs than me. I'm insecure about it, but boyfriend tells me he loves me just the way I am, and I guess in the end, that's all that matters to me. He makes me feel beautiful and wanted no matter what.

Having said that, it is your choice and you have to do what would truly make you happy. Good luck!

Melanie said...

I agree with both of the statements that you put up. I personally think you are gorgeous and would still be that way even with a new nose. I am all for plastic surgery in a situation like this. There are some things I wouldn't mind having done myself.

Good luck!

Kami said...

I still think you're gorgeous. My nose is crooked, too.

Nap Queen said...

My best friend has a large, crooked nose, and she has always wanted to get it fixed. To me, it's part of who she is... I can't imagine her any other way. Of course, I'll support her if she decides to get a nose job. Do what you know will make you happy on the inside :) And kudos for being so honest!

Tammy said...

Nope. Still hot. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

OK...granted that first picture is not a flattering angle, but the second shot? Yup, gorgeous as usual. what makes you happy. If it's a it. If you're doing it for you then you're doing it for the right reason.

Unknown said...

You look amazing! I don't even notice the nose. I see your big blue eyes and full lips. Do what you feel is right.

Anonymous said...

OMG! What is that in the middle of your face!?? xo

Sheri & SuZan said...

You are beautiful! I hate my nose, but I hate pain even more. You my dear are beautiful!

The Q said...

Yah um, I'd totally take your nose if I could have all your OTHER features. You have a killer body, gorgeous eyes (complete with long lashes) and nice full lips.

I will admit, when I looked that the Austin Blogger Blowout pictures I thought to myself "Wow! She's really pretty. Hmm, I wonder if I'd have to hate her just because she's so pretty"

All kidding aside, you really have a lot more going for you than just your physical attributes, but those attributes are pretty nice sista!

All that being said, you should do what would make you happy.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Well I know what you mean. I broke my nose 4 times and it is crooked and wide at the top.

I think you look fabulous!

But if a nose job makes you happy then I say go for it, but as others have said you look great the way you are!

Christie E. Little said...

I love the Mom Lum comment...
"You are a hottie Jackie"

Here's the thing. When you take a picture pic#1 at the absolute worst angle with no looks a little funky...BUT...that isn't at all how you look! I could see if you were 15 and hating it. You look beautiful, amazing, and if you look back at the blogger getaway fantastically hot babe!

So, here are my suggestions.
1. no more taking nose pics from funky ass angles. :)
2. Take more of your hot body and in your sexy shoes.
3. Finally...if you want it fixed...Do it baby. Then takes some great funky pics of you all bruised up after surgery. :)
I hope you're laughing.

Hope said...

Great post! I've always wanted to fix my nose too, and I think I would have if there was no pain involved. I think I'm probably stuck with it now, but I'm okay with that.

You should do what feels right to that hasn't been said before...

Anonymous said...

I have a crooked nose too! in the same way.