Wednesday, March 29, 2006

You know I’m thinking in numbers tonight…

1 : This is my favorite shirt. It’s actually Holden’s shirt.
favorite shirt

Here’s why I love this shirt so much. And why it’s in the trash.
Ninety-seven cents. (on clearance at the Giant Red Bullseye)
Ninety seven cents people!
Now that is what I’m talking about. You can’t even buy a candy bar for that price anymore.
I absolutely will not spend more than twenty dollars, and that’s top price, on my kids clothes. Call me cheap if you want, but I find it absolutely ridiculous to spend that amount of money on kid’s clothes. I don’t care how cute they are.
My kids cannot eat a single meal without sharing some of the contents with their garb, as well as mine.
Holden scooter-butts around instead of crawling. When we go outside I usually have to remove his entire outfit encased with mud, water, sand, leaves, food, and rocks.

This is my favorite Holden shirt because now that it's covered in spaghetti stains, outgrown, and been worn over 37 times- I can gleefully throw it in the trash because it only cost 97 cents!
Who cares!

Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish,
How many pieces do you wish?
bubble gum

What do you think of my new HOT bikini in Bubble Gum from Victoria’s Secret??
Clearance sale of course.
But more importantly here, Am I ready for swimsuit season??
Eee gads no!
All these beers and blogging have given me a little pooch.
Ok, well MAYBE the two Lummins I bore had something to do with that as well…

3: I’ve hit speed bump here and I’m a day late on my weekly poll.
I know you have all been patiently awaiting the results show and my insightful commentary.
Last poll question was-
On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the most) how much do you care about your appearance when you leave your house?
With a total of 43 votes (Rock the Vote!!), the majority of responders rated themselves a 7 or 8.
Except for the top answers and 4, all the other number responses were chosen equally among voters.
NO ONE chose the answer 4. Why not four? I’m very curious about this whole four thing. And think I might change my thesis to “The Mysteries of Number Four”.
Ok maybe not much of a thesis, but it sounds cool in my beer-logged head right now.

It’s been a long week. And it’s only fucking Wednesday.


Amy said...

I don't spend much on kid's clothes either! I have friends that won't spend more than like $5. I am paranoid about him being cool, so I will spend more than that if it's really cute, but NEVER FULL PRICE :-) CUTE bikini! I can't wait to get my tummy fixed so I can wear one again!

Memphis said...

A little pooch? A LITTLE pooch and you're worried about how you'll look in your bikini? Good Lord woman, stand next to me on the beach and you'll look like one of those Victoria's Secret girls in that bikini. People will be saying, "who's that beautiful Victoria's Secret model standing next to that pathetic pale man?"

It's a service I offer. It's for women who don't have time to find unattractive friends to stand next to them.

Steph said...

WHAT A CUTE SUIT !! Oh how I would love to fit into that cute suit !

Marisa said...

The only really expensive stuff my children have in their closets were gifts or things that I bought on clearance. Love a good sale.

Pooch? Ya, got a major one happening over here. I blame it on the kids.

Me said...

Shut Up.
We've all seen photos of you! LOL. You are ready for that bikini NOW girly. :)

Just remember to shave..........


Anonymous said...

Well that is like $19.99 up here so still a good deal... and.. if I can fit into a bikini so can you !

Kami said...

How funny - $20 is my max for Nik's clothes, too, unless it's a whole outfit. OKAY, sometimes I go over.

Anyway, I love that suit. And you are more ready than I am, sister.

Anonymous said...

And yet another reason to love Target! Love the suit--can't wait for summer. I don't know about you, but I'm wearing my bikini with my pooch, maybe we could start a new trend.

Melanie said...

I love the suit! I know you'll look awesome in it.

I agree with you on the kid's clothes thing. It's just not worth it at this age to spend the big bucks!

Kat said...

You been smoking something? A little pooch? Bite me. :) You are soooo bikini ready already. That is a cute suit! :)

Anonymous said...

Bite me.

You're totally ready for swimsuit season.

I LOVE the new suit!!!!

Tammy said...

I only wish I had a little pooch. There is no way I'm getting near a bikini this year. UGH!

I have a $20 limit for my kids clothes too. Unless it's like an Easter dress or something like that.

Candy said...

I'm another cheapo... They grow out of them so freaking fast... I will spend big dough on a really cute outfit for a special occasion (Tom still doesn't know exactly how much that House of Hatten train outfit set him back when Jamie as 18 months old) LOL!

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