Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Way Back Wednesday

I was "Breakin the Law, Breakin the Law..."
(sponsored by TKW)

I am such an angel that I have never done anything worse than this:
BudLight girl

See that Bud Light in my hand?
Uh huh.
I wasn't even twenty-one yet!
Terribly bad. I know.

you know I'm totally kidding right?
I'm just not posting all the bad things I may or may not have done in the past. And I certainly didn't capture any of them on film. *wink

So here's another photo of my criminal college past.

This was our dorm room cat, Whiskey.
Dorm room pets were a big No-No!
Ms. Carrie rescued the kitty and convinced us to keep him there. Whiskey was later adopted by Carrie's sister and renamed Miller.
(Carrie's front left and I'm over on the far right)
We were so bad!

This last crime scene picture is not so way-back.
drunk girls

Two years ago. Out for a night of fun downtown!
These girls are my wild friends. We like to drink, party, and make mischief of one kind or another...
I have never been kicked out of a bar before, excuse me, had never been kicked out of a bar before until this night.
Two in one night! yessssss!


Jana said...

My friends in another dorm had a cat, too, even though it wasn't allowed. They called him S.C. for Sick Cat because he was always yakking all over their room.

I played!

Kami said...

I just cannot get past how damn hot you were. Are. WTF?

Anonymous said...

How did I know Carrie would have had something to do with the cat?

How hot you "were"...? Yeah, she still is...biotch...sigh...

Lori said...

Anyone who gets kicked out of a bar looking like you babes is A-OK.

Hope said...

Aww...I want to know the other bad things!! ;)

I played!

Anonymous said...

HOT and BAD! My kind of woman! ;)

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

My goodness girl you were a rebel, um are!

Happy Wednesday I played!

Nap Queen said...

I would have LOVED a dorm cat. Poo.

Kat said...

You really never got kicked out of a bar until two years ago? :) Yes, drinking a beer underage was the worst thing I ever saw Ms. Jackie do in college...

*laughing hysterically*

Not-So-Normal-Mom said...

I have been kicked out of a bar before, but it was for something pretty embarrassing! Nothing illegal! You really are very cute! You serority/dorm girls had some pretty cute "breakin the law" times!

Lucky Lum said...

Sssssshhhhh Carrie!
I'm still trying to uphold my good girl image for those that don't know me yet.

Me said...

You were kicked out of a bar as an ADULT? OMG... LOL. Too funny.

Tammy said...

If I didn't love you, I'd hate you. Are are so hot!!

Whiskey looks like a sweet kitty!

Kat said...

Darling, you admitted you think it's funny that your kids play with tampons and pads... people who don't know you already know you're a wacky one! :)

BTW...whiskey/miller is a SHE... and who is the girl above me? NO idea why my college memories are so fuzzy...:)

Kat said...

Oh wait, I remembered - Nadia, right? :)

Kelly said...

Too fun! How come everything involves alcohol in one form or another? Hmmm....

I played as you already know!

TheStolenOlive said...

Ok, I totally need to go to "calm down and quit worrying school" because I never drank much, never drank before I was 21 and when I go to bars, I stand there like an idiot until the strobe lights make me sick.

My name is Aimee and I'm a dud.

I played.

Peanutt said...

Bad girl for having a dorm kitty!!!
Awesome girl for getting kicked out of two bars in one night!!!!!