Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The only thing these kids share around here is their germs!

One week it's a cold, then an ear infection, next was major diarrhea for days, now thrush from the antibiotics. The other one now has a fever and chills and new teeth coming in.

It goes from one set of funky germs to the next around here.

Our pediatrician is hopefully making a killing.
If she gets as many visits from other babes as she does the Lum offspring, she should be rollin in the dough.

Please send lots of tissue and a plastic bubble for all of us to live in.


Kat said...

And here I was feeling bad about all my electronics breaking down at the same time. I'd much rather have to go to Radio Shack than the doctor. Sorry to hear about all the sickies going around! Hopefully they are building up super antibodies and will never get sick again! :)

Kami said...

This is not spam, I repeat, this is not spam:


MIRACLE SALVE PLUS – Apply to nipples after each feeding. No need to wash off before nursing. Also apply to yeast-related diaper rashes.

BLACK WALNUT, OREGON GRAPE ROOT TINCTURES, GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT – To 1 oz. (1/8 cup) hot, very steamy water, add 5 drops Grapefruit Seed extract, 90 drops (approx. 3 droppersful) Black Walnut tincture, and 30 drops Oregon Grape Root tincture. Allow to completely cool, and apply liquid to nipples, using a clean Q-tip. Do this 3 times a day, after feedings. Do this before applying salve. In addition, swab out inside of baby’s mouth with liquid after feeding, 3 times a day, using a clean fingertip or Q-tip. Be sure not to double-dip the q-tip. The mixture can be saved and used for future applications. Be sure to cover it between uses or it will evaporate.

Kami said...

Oh, shit. You don't need the nipple one, right? Skip that part. ;)

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Poor Lum babies! That sucks that they are still sick!

Poor Mama Lum she will have to have lots of adult spirits next weekend!

Christie E. Little said...

Ok baby...if you find any plastic bubble, then send me the info. LOL.

Since right before Christmas we have been sick, one after another. Hunny I even got the germy Pnemonia. Trust me...horrid.

Ok...so just get your stock of anti bacterial gel and rub it everywhere. I'm thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

With respect to the thrush treatment... do you need help applying?? ;)

Anonymous said...

That's only because Sophie can't see them, otherwise for sure you'd hear, "No Holden! My germs!!"

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