Thursday, February 09, 2006


Poll results:
On my poll asking how often do you enjoy alcoholic beverages, I discovered that the majority of voters drink a one/few a week, and next popular was an everyday drink.
Whew! Glad I'm not the only one.
And results from the latest poll inquiring how important sex is in a relationship quite surprised me. "10" was the top answer, with "8" coming in at a close second.
Horn dogs.

My conclusions: we like to drink and screw.

So tonight as I'm shaking out the laundry to put in the dryer, I kept hearing this little "ping, ping" sound coming from the clothes. Like something tiny was falling out of each of them.
Hmmmm, what could that be...
I found the little treasures inside Holden's jacket pocket. Dirt and bark. Silly little boy had filled his pockets at the playground.
I thought,
Oh, he is such a boy! I'm sure this is just the first of many surprises to come doing his laundry.
I just hope it's not gonna be a crayon someday.

I have officially weaned Holden from the boob! After his whole fungus in the mouth ailment (thrush) I decided now would be a GREAT time to wean.
I mean would you really want a yeast infection on your nipples???
My only concern now is that he's not taking the so called required amount of formula per day.
Any thoughts here? He's 11 months old now. Should I keep trying and try not to worry about it? Consider giving him some whole milk to try?
I can't wait to go buy some real bras from Victorias Secret.
You know a gift card for Valentine's Day would be marvelous! (hint hint Dwayne)

The Bud and Sissy baby update:
The baby girl they had at 31 weeks has a very rare condition which causes fluid to build up in her lungs and around her brain. The concern is not that she's premature, but that she is very sick.
Breaks. my. heart.
She has made baby steps of progress in the last day however. I have faith that she will get better and come home to their loving arms one day soon.
I am saving some cake from Bud and Sissy's baby shower that I put in the freezer for a good luck token. I told Sissy I would bring her the best cake in Austin when they bring their baby girl home.

I leave you with a few pictures of the darling Lummin's (my new term for the Lum youngins) taking their bath.




washing her brother
If you think it looks like Sophie is molesting her brother in that last pic, you are only halfway correct.
See, Sophie likes to wash Holden. She had already washed his arms, his tummy, his back, his hair, and then proclaimed it was "time to wash his penis".
Dwayne and I looked at each other and busted up. I then got my camera in position.
And she washed it for him. He had to fondle it himself right after as well.
Nothing like childhood where you can do that stuff right out in the open.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Well I am glad you were able to reclaim your boobs, especially before the big weekend next weekend!

Oh and the comment on the last picture is priceless!

Nap Queen said...

I'm laughing my ass of at your commentary on that last picture. That is one for blackmail later on in life.

I can't think of too many things worse that a yeast infection of the nipple..well maybe childbirth, but I don't know much about that :) I say wean that boy!

Me said...

Whole Milk. They don't need to be on formula at 11 months if he is a healthy kid that eats fine.

Congratulations on getting your boobs back. LOL.

Odd Mix said...

First, I can almost guarantee you will experience the crayon in the dryer syndrome at leat once. It will probably be red.

I think my wife got to experience thrush first... ah... hand? with three of our four. Good time to wean indeed. Don't worry about the required amount of formula - he will eat when he is hungry. I think we started using milk in month 11 - they say one year, but what's a couple of weeks. If you add just a drop of honey or sugar ir will taste more like breast milk (shut up!) and he may drink more.

Those are great pictures! Future blackmail material in a big way. I will keep Bud and Sissy and their baby girl in my prayers.

Kat said...

One day, those kiddos are going to grow up and be sooooo mad that you posted that picture. :) hee-hee-hee too cute!

I hope that everything works out with 'bud and sissy's' baby, so very sad.

Anonymous said...

Okay so I picked Dont Drink and 1 out of 10! Go Figure!

Rhonda said...

I just want to eat those kiddos up they are so cute!

BTW, I answered that I drink once/few times a week, but truthfully I drink every day that there is liquor in the house. (it's just not always available)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on reclaiming the twins!

As to him not taking in the recommended amount of formula don't worry about it. He's eating solids and he's not going to let himself become malnourished. When he gets hungry/thirsty enough he'll take it. Until then I'm sure he's getting a lot more than you think through his finger/jar foods.

The Egel Nest said...

I love the new look around here :)

I also love the bath cute! :)

The Egel Nest

Kami said...

Jeezus. I guess you did need to nipple stuff. I didn't know how old that cutie was. ANYWAY, he doesn't need the formula. :)

Okay, I feel stupid, but I don't understand the poll question. I don't get it.

Kami said...

OH! And if you get sore, pump JUST A TINY BIT to relieve the pressure. :)

Lucky Lum said...

No Kami, I'm weaning to AVOID the fungus on my nips!

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you... I wouldn't want fungus on my niples either!

I really do hope that Bud and Sissy's baby is going to be ok. That's so sad.

Your kids are absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »