Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Way Back Wednesday


Money, money, money is the theme this week. (TKW)

Do you see the money in this picture?
I'll let you decide who is "money."

In my eyes, it was Dwayne.
This picture was taken back when we were dating.
Back when I was just a college student who had never met Money, until Dwayne.
Dwayne, who had a job with a nice salary, drove two different Porshes and a Land Rover, who never shopped for bargains at Target, bought my gorgeous dress to accompany him to a wedding.
I love this picture...
It reminds me of the time in our relationship where we still got butterflies in our tummies seeing each other...we were still playing the "game" of was summer and we were really tan...he had blonde hair and a six pack...I was being myself of course, drinking, dancing, being silly that night...we were so hot for each other that we made out the whole cab ride back to his place...
**Dwayne just reminded me that he caught the garter at the wedding that night. Heading for the bar he notices the garter heading his way and nonchalantly puts up his hand to catch it.
***Oh yeah. And we had some sizzlin hot sex that night!


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

What a great post!

You did find some money didnt you?

Happy Wednesday!

I played!

Nap Queen said...

Oh, that's an AWESOME photo. It really captured the happiness of the moment. I love it! I played.

Anonymous said...

Damn, hot, hot!!

Christie E. Little said...

Ok babe...What a Hottie!

I hope that picture is in a frame and front and center somewhere in your house. I love it.

Butterflies...Dating...and Hot could be better..:)

Anonymous said...

Well since I was named in the post I really have come forward to cast my vote and say that the woman in the dress is the money here!!!


The Egel Nest said...

I think the sizzlin hot sex at the end ....must have been MONEY! :)

I played for the first time!

The Egel Nest

Me said...

Oh yeah... this photo is an AD for 'money'! :)

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" cracks me up!

Jen said...

I'd give anything for your legs!
You guys look AMAZING! You really are a great looking couple. No wonder your kids are so damn cute!

Melanie said...

Awesome pic! I miss those butterfly days. I need to get those back!

Kami said...

Aw, what a great post and picture!!

Tammy said...

You are so very hot.

Jennifer said...

You both look HOT in that picture!

Memphis said...

Man, your life sounds like a dream! I can't think of anything I could post a photo of that could compete with this.

Michelle said...

Beautiful pictures!!

Looks like you hit the jackpot girlfriend.

And to answer you question, I did leave with a little change from my first black jack extravaganza.

Kat said...

That is a FABULOUS picture! You both look amazing! I love your pose - sexy mama! :) You guys are so cute together. :)

Rhonda said...

What a great photo. You both look so happy.

Hope said...

Hot AND Sweet. The Lucky Lums. ;)

I'd say you both hit it big.

Anonymous said...

THAT is a great pic!! You too look HOT and like you were just loving that moment!!

Memphis said...

Look at those arms! Look at those shoulders! Look at those legs! Look at that ass! Yeah, you don't go to the gym NOW, but that's just because you don't need to. You just wait ... I'll get you, My Pretty, and your little tight ass, too! Gravity ALWAYS WINS!!!!