Monday, February 13, 2006

Take a walk with me

Spring has Sprung and it's only February 13!

purple tree in front

On our walk through the neighborhood today I brought my baby along, my camera.
I took lots and lots of pictures of course. Can you tell I love taking pictures? In case you couldn't tell, I really love taking pictures!

Our street
Our house is the one the left and the other is the new one being built.

My new camera is my obsession. All the things I had wanted to try with my camera before weren't very easy to do; and the ways I could manipulate a picture were very limited. With my Nik I have so much more control of my pictures.
I am slowly learning how to do exactly what I want my picture to do~what I want it to say, if you will. When I look through my veiwfinder I try and ask myself: What am I trying to convey or acheive out of this picture? What do I want people to see and feel when they look at this?

Texas Sky

On our walk today I saw these bursts of color blossoming amidst the backdrop of the deep blue sky and the contrasting dead brown colors of winter.
Beautiful blue skies: Reason #43 Why I heart Austin, TX.

down the street

So I take a butt load of pictures everyday and honestly probably half of them are crap. I take the same picture over and over but change something slightly each time (exposure, white balance, focus, etc). This is how I learn to take better pictures though. So when I go back and scroll through my pictures of the day, I pick up one more piece of information I can take with me and use next time.

next to our driveway


Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm going to have to buy a new hard drive to store all of these pictures. Which, by the way, are very good!


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Great shots!

I love your new camera you have been blogging wonderful photos!

Kami said...

Those are all so GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...

I had a dream that wherever I was the magnolia trees were blooming.

I must have been back home...

Me said...

You are sooooo gonna make MamaDuck cry.


(almost makes me wanna move to texas! and here I thought texas was all dry blowing weeds and no trees.... 1 mile long driveways and cattle ranchers! ok... well, the view off some of the interstate and highway driving I did through texas back and forth from the midwest to california was!)

That's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Im going to need an allergy pill please!

Rhonda said...

LOL at Spikey. How true that is.

Lovely pics though.

Kat said...

Damn girl! That's some talent! I want a camera... waaaaaahhhh... it is nice outside though, isn't it? :)

Leska McCall said...


Christie E. Little said...

That's why I love the South West. Mmmmm. Oh, and let me say...we have matching houses. LOL..My house looks just like yours! I'll have to post a picture.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! They look like pictures I take! (Now don't you feel bad about all those times you got ticked off at me for stopping to take pictures of flowers and other related stuff?)

Love, ?? (You know who!)

Nap Queen said...

You really captured the beauty of Austin. Great photos!