Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tampons Inc.

And on a totally new subject.
My children have found a new game to entertain themselves with.
It's called lock yer brother in the dog crate.

locked in a cage

Big Baby has a new hat.
a hat for Big Baby

I know that after seeing this picture some of you are going to going to think that my children play with feminine hygiene products way too much!
Maybe they do. But I swear we play with lots of other things...
It's just that I find it quite humerous when they do play with them and then the notion to grab my camera and snap a picture is that much stronger!
Just look at all the ingeniuos ways they have found to use them so far.
Sophie saw this pantyliner in my drawer and asked oh-so-sweetly if she could play with it. I was trying to check my email and I knew she would leave me alone if I let her.
And that is the story of how Big Baby got her new hat.


Kat said...

You crack me up! At least Sophie didn't put the pad on her head. :) So cute about Holden in the dog crate! :)

Unknown said...

I love her hat! Kids come up with the darndest things to entertain themselves. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

I dated a Nina! Do you need me to send you down some toques? ;)

Lori said...

It could always be worse, you could let them play with all those leftover condoms....

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I am still laughing about her brother in the dog crate...well thankfully big baby got a new hat and not Holden!

Anonymous said...

Big Baby looks like she's spent the night at a frat kegger...naked with a pad stuck to her head!

Me said...

Do you have another? I'd love a pretty new hat like that too.

Steph said...

OMG ! Your kids are too funny ! I love that new game they are playing ! I know my son would love to play with his sisters ! Big baby looks good in her new hat ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh my Big Baby sure looks cute in her new hat!!! I wonder if she will start a new trend..... so soft and disposable too!!! My Sophie is so creative..I wonder how many other uses she will find for personal care items??? I can hardly wait to see them!!!